Farmer jailed in Hong Kong for burning flag

A man has been jailed in Hong Kong for burning the national flag, in the first sentence of its kind.

S Korea suspends savings banks citing weak finances

South Korea has suspended seven local savings banks citing the weak state of their finances.

Japan urges mass evacuation ahead of Typhoon Roke

More than a million people in central and western Japan have been urged to leave their homes as a powerful typhoon approaches.

Burma begins swap scheme for cars over 40 years old

Owners of some of Burma's most antiquated cars have been queuing in Rangoon to exchange their old vehicles for permits to import newer models.

Polio strain spreads to China from Pakistan

Polio has spread to China for the first time since 1999 after being imported from Pakistan, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Okacha substitute Abou Zeid as leader of AQIM

Okacha is a right-handed Droukdel. They spent time together during 12 years in the northern region, before joining Okacha South. "
Algiers (Reuters)-residents of Algeria Djamel Abdelhamid Abou Zeid Okacha succeeded as the leader of Al Qaida linked Group AQIM in the Sahara, Algerian Ennahar reported TV, Sunday.

Abou Zeid was killed in army raid in northern Mali several of Chad last week, Reuters reported.

Okacha, who is also known as Yahia Abu El Hamam, joined AQIM in northern Mali in 2004, said one security source who knows the AQIM told Reuters.

"He was there at the time of the attack on a military barracks in Mauritania in 2005, and he also witnessed the murder of an American citizen in 2009," the source said, pointing out the u.s. aid worker Christopher Leggett.

Okacha (34) has a close relationship with the leader of AQIM Abdelmalek Droukdel because they are members of the Group Algiers, pointing at the militants who was born in the capital city of Algeria.

"Okacha is a right-handed Droukdel. They spent time together during 12 years in the northern region, before joining Okacha South, "said the security source told Reuters.

The priority is reset Okacha AQIM after the Group lost two of their main leader, Abou Zeid, and Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the source said.

Mali, who had become one of stable democracies in Africa, experienced the uncertainty after the coup d ' état in March 2012 overthrow the Government of President Amadou Toumani Toure.

The international community is worried that country will become the new hotbed of terrorists and they support the efforts of Africa to intervene militarily.

France, which is working with the military of Mali, on January 11, launched operation when militants threaten advanced to the capital of Mali, Bamako, after months of doubt about the African intervention forces to help drive out hard-line groups from the northern region.

The United Nations has approved the placement of the African intervention force consisting of about 3300 soldiers under the auspices of the ECOWAS grouping of West African States. With the involvement of Chad, which has pledged 2,000 soldiers, means the number of intervention forces that would be much greater.

Hard-line groups, which said the experts acting under the umbrella of Al Qaida in Islamic Morocco (AQIM), dominate the North, Mali to the extent greater than that of France, since April last year.

Tribal rebels in mid-January 2012 launched more war decades for the independence of the Tuareg in the northern region they claim as their land, reinforced by heavily armed guerrillas who recently returned from Libya. However, their struggle was then hijacked by hard-line muslim groups.

Disgruntled army coup in March meant to give the military more authority in order to quell a revolt in the North, but it in fact backfire and the rebels took control of three major cities in the North of Mali within three days. (M014)

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AQIM admit killing hostages France

... we can't guarantee their safety forever because military strikes you guys (France) against the Mujahideen base. "
Nouakchott (Reuters)-a group of Al Qaida in North Africa says AQIM, they've killed a hostage who was arrested in France in northern Mali two years ago, said Mauritania news agency ANI, Sunday.

AQIM said, prisoners and other inmates at risk of being killed because of France's intervention in European countries of Mali, said ANI, a Reuters report.

"All the other hostages are still alive," said AQIM in a communiqué that seemed intended for the citizens of France and quoted by ANI, who often receive the statements of AQIM.

"But we could not ensure the safety of their forever because of the military strikes you guys (France) against Mujahideen bases," added the Communique.

ANI reported earlier this week, a member of AQIM claimed that guerrillas on March 10, Philippe Verdon fell, who was arrested in northern Mali in November 2011.

France, which is working with the military of Mali, on January 11, launched operation when militants threaten advanced to the capital of Mali, Bamako, after months of doubt about the African intervention forces to help drive out hard-line groups from the northern region.

Mali, who had become one of stable democracies in Africa, experienced the uncertainty after the coup d ' état in March 2012 overthrow the Government of President Amadou Toumani Toure.

The international community is worried that country will become the new hotbed of terrorists and they support the efforts of Africa to intervene militarily.

The United Nations has approved the placement of the African intervention force consisting of about 3300 soldiers under the auspices of the ECOWAS grouping of West African States. With the involvement of Chad, which has pledged 2,000 soldiers, means the number of intervention forces that would be much greater.

Hard-line groups, which said the experts acting under the umbrella of Al Qaida in Islamic Morocco (AQIM), dominate the North, Mali to the extent greater than that of France, since April last year.

Tribal rebels in mid-January 2012 launched more war decades for the independence of the Tuareg in the northern region they claim as their land, reinforced by heavily armed guerrillas who recently returned from Libya. However, their struggle was then hijacked by hard-line muslim groups.

Disgruntled army coup in March meant to give the military more authority in order to quell a revolt in the North, but it in fact backfire and the rebels took control of three major cities in the North of Mali within three days. (M014)

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France sent additional soldiers into the 350-Central African Republic

Paris (Reuters)-France is sending 350 extra soldiers to the Central African Republic, whose capital, Bangui, have fallen into the hands of the rebels, said a senior official Sunday.

Delivery of the additional troops was meant to ensure the safety of citizens of France and other foreign people in the African country, reports AFP.

The first group of 200 soldiers arrived in Bangui on Saturday and another 150 people were sent Sunday from Libreville, capital of Gabon, the source said.

France now has nearly 600 soldiers in the Central African Republic, the country's former colonial power which is being hit by the war.

President Francois Hollande has stated that the France would not interfere in the internal affairs of the country.

France's military officers to act as advisers to the Central African Republic military, and Paris in the past help support or overthrow the Governments in those countries.

However, France, which has a Defense Pact with the Central African Republic since 1960, the more reluctant was directly involved in the conflicts in the former countries colonize it.

Sunday, the rebels controlled Bangui Francois Bozize and President reportedly fled the capital of the Central African Republic.

Central African Republic rebels started fighting again after the deadline given to the Government to meet their demands in accordance with the peace agreement comes to an end.

Seleka said rebels would not withdraw the troops unless the Government frees political prisoners and prisoners-South Africa forces leave the country.

Seleka, which means "the Alliance", signed a peace pact on 11 January with the Government of President Francois Bozize in the Gabonese capital, Libreville.

The agreement, brokered by regional leaders that set a new Government of national unity, which has been formed and is now led by an opposition member, Nicolas Tiangaye, and includes members of the Seleka.

The agreement puts an end to a month-long offensive Seleka quickly mastered the northern territories and stop among others thanks to the military intervention in Chad before the rebels overran the capital, Bangui, Central African Republic.

Seleka, an Alliance of the three armed groups, started their armed action on December 10, and has mastered a number of important cities in Central African Republic. They accuse President Francois Bozize was not respecting an agreement that stipulates that the 2007 members who lay down their arms will be paid. (M014)

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US urges Central African rebels and restore law and order

Victoria Nuland (

Urgent United States and asked all parties to ensure that their forces respect the human rights of the people of Central Africa and the Central African Republic. "
Washington (Reuters)-the United States Monday expressed deep concern over "widespread reports of human rights violations" in the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR) and urged the rebel soldiers to restore law and order.

The coalition of rebels captured Bangui while Seleka source authoritative said told AFP that President Francois Bozize has left the country with a helicopter, after the collapse of the deal two-month cease-fire backed by regional powers.

"We urge and call for the leadership of the Seleka has taken over Bangui to enforce law and order in the city and to restore basic services, electricity and water," said a spokesman for the U.s. State Department Victoria Nuland.

"We are urging the leadership to acknowledge the continued legitimacy of the Seleka Agreement Libreville, ensuring their implementation and give full support to Prime Minister Nicolas Tiangaye and his Government."

Tiangaye was chosen as Prime Minister in January to lead the caretaker Government to organize parliamentary elections recently, following a ceasefire agreement.

Nuland said that Washington still expects all parties to the agreement respect the deal, despite the battle going on recently.

"The United States urges all parties and asked to ensure that their forces respect the human rights of the people of Central Africa and the Central African Republic," the statement said.

"We are extremely concerned about the worsening humanitarian situation in CAR and extensive and credible reports of human rights violations by the national security forces and fighters Seleka." (AK)

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Karzai will discuss peace with Taliban in Qatar

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai (INTERMEDIATE/REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque)

The visit of the President was made at the invitation of the Emir of Qatar and will include a discussion of reciprocal cooperation and the peace process (the Taliban). "
Kabul (Reuters)-Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai will go to Qatar in recent days to discuss the peace negotiations with the Taliban, Afghanistan Foreign Ministry announced Sunday.

That step was taken when scaled up efforts to seek a settlement of the war in Afghanistan is now the 12th year, Reuters reports.

The departure of Karzai to Qatar will be the first visit of the President of Afghanistan to discuss the peace process in that country, the Taliban and is done after negotiating jams for years with the u.s., Pakistan and the Taliban.

The visit will include talks on the formation of a political office of the Taliban in Doha, capital of Qatar.

"The President's Visit was made at the invitation of the Emir of Qatar and will include a discussion of reciprocal cooperation and the peace process (the Taliban)," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Janan Mosazai at a news conference Sunday.

Karzai is expected to go to Qatar in a week, said a senior official of Afghanistan told Reuters.

Increased efforts to seek a settlement of the war in Afghanistan terunding that has been going on for more than a decade.

Karzai, who will quit his post after the elections of April 2014, before accusing the UNITED STATES negotiating with the Taliban Government of Afghanistan without involving. The charges were disputed by the u.s. and its allies.

The President of Afghanistan were known to throw the usual spontaneous statements said critics often cause tension.

Karzai and his supporters in Western countries have agreed that all foreign combat forces will return to their country by the end of 2014, but the West promised to provide support which continued after this time in the form of funds and training for Afghanistan's security forces.

NATO aims to train soldiers and police by the end of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 to ensure stability in that country, but challenges still ahead of us in the process of transition.

Desertions, the assignment is bad and low morale among major problems that complicate the commanders of NATO and Afghanistan.

In October 2011, the Taliban promised to fight until all foreign forces leave Afghanistan.

The Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan since 1996, waged a rebellion since it was ousted from power in the country by U.S.-led invasion in 2001 because of the Al Qaida leader refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, who is accused of responsibility for the attack in the region that killed 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001.

About 130,000 members of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) led by NATO that comes from dozens of countries sent to Afghanistan to help the Kabul Government battle the insurgency of the Taliban and its allies.

Taliban guerrillas rely heavily on the use of roadside bombs and suicide attacks against Afghanistan's Government and foreign troops stationed in the country.

Assembled bomb, known as an IED (improvised-explosive) resulted in 70-80 percent of the foreign forces casualties in Afghanistan, according to the military. (M014)

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Capres Venezuela opposition war goodness vs evil caring

From the opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles (Center) greets supporters during a campaign in Caracas, Sunday (15/7). (REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

... to use their power to blackmail or manipulate. "
Caracas (Reuters)-Venezuela's opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles Weeks catapult his campaign rhetoric, that bets against provisional President Nicolas Maduro as spiritual struggle of good against evil.

Capriles, 40 years, is being run against Maduro to replace the late President Hugo Chavez left demagogues on April 14 elections, AFP reported.

"I feel that this fight ... has become a spiritual struggle, because they are good characters that live in Venezuela feels that this has been a struggle to break the wall of the crime," Capriles said.

Refer to the stronghold of his opponent, the Governor of the State of Miranda was warned that "those who lied" and "use their power to blackmail or manipulate" are those that "favor the side of evil."

"Those who believe in the truth ... being on the side of good, and those who want to defeat evil," added Capriles, as he repeated his criticism of the ruling party due to misuse of State resources for campaigns.

This young Governor lost the October election to face Chavez, who died March 5, after losing a fight against cancer.

Capriles, who made a visit to the State of the previous 23 Venezuela for campaigning, also blasted the ruling party because it uses images and heritage-the legacy of Chavez to enhance images, 50-year-old Maduro, of the successor to the "comandante" Chavez.

The official campaign started on April 2, but the candidate has begun to throw votes in the pre-a very confrontational campaigns are filled with religious connotations. (AK)

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127 escapee in the RAID in Nigeria's prisons

The armed oranng using bombs, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade in an attack on a jail, police station, banks and places to drink beer. "
Kano, Nigeria (Reuters)-a total of 127 prisoners escaped when armed men attacked a jail in the Eastern Adamawa, Nigeria, said the head of the prison in the State, Sunday.

"As many as 127 prisoners escaped after the attack. So far, we have not managed to catch them again, "said Andrew Barka, the AFP report.

Only one prisoner, who was shot and injured in the leg, left behind in the prison located in the town of Friday's RAID in Ganye, he continued.

"We lost a Deputy Superintendent in charge of the prison Ganye in the attack. He was shot dead by gunmen, "said Barka told AFP.

He added, the gates of the prison was destroyed and jail cells opened forcibly by armed attackers, who made the prisoners could escape.

The armed group that killed 25 people in a series of raids in several locations in Ganye, including prisons, police stations, banks and two bars, the Adamawa Police spokesman said Mohammed Ibrahim.

"People were using bomb-armed oranng, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades in the attack on the jail, police station, banks and places to drink beer," said Ibrahim.

The officials said they do not know how much money was taken from the bank's attackers.

Although Ibrahim refused to say whether the attackers were members of the Boko Haram, the RAID was similar to previous attacks claimed by the group in several areas in Northern Nigeria.

Boko Haram violence estimated to have killed up to 3,000 people since 2009, including killings by the security forces.

The Group declared war to establish an Islamic State in Northern Nigeria's muslim majority.

Violence escalates in Nigeria since the attacks killed dozens of people during Christmas celebrations 2011 which was claimed by hardline muslim group Boko Haram.

Kano, the city has a population of about 10 million people in Northern Nigeria, a region which was hit hardest in the violence.

A series of bombings and shootings swept Kano after Friday prayers on January 20, 2012, killing 185 people, in attacks claimed by Boko Haram which aimed at the police headquarters and the offices of other policemen, a police building and immigration offices.

The attacks were the most deadly operations by the Group and is aimed primarily at the police station.

Boko Haram claimed dozens of attacks in Nigeria, including suicide bombings in August at UN headquarters in Abuja that killed at least 24 people.

A series of bomb attacks in the city of Jos, central Nigeria, on Christmas Eve 2010 also claimed by Boko Haram.

Boko Haram launched a violent action in 2009 that the uprising was crushed brutally by the military which killed about 800 people and destroying mosques and their headquarters in the northeastern city of Maiduguri, Nigeria.

The Group was inactive for about a year and then appeared again in 2010 with a series of murders.

Nigeria's population of over 160 million people split in the northern region, which is mostly Muslim and the South largely Christian. (M014)

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The African Union Commission, the curse of the coup d ' état in the Central African Republic

"The Status of the African Union at stake, in the case of a transition to power that is contrary to the Constitution, the State of abandonment, isolation of AU total those responsible and the application of sanctions against them," said the Chairman of the African Union Commission Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma in a statement, AFP and Reuters report.

Meanwhile France has sent 350 soldiers to the Central African Republic, whose capital, Bangui, have fallen into the hands of the rebels, said a senior official Sunday.

Delivery of the additional troops was meant to ensure the safety of citizens of France and other foreign people in the African country.

The first group of 200 soldiers arrived in Bangui on Saturday and another 150 people were sent Sunday from Libreville, capital of Gabon, the source said.

France now has nearly 600 soldiers in the Central African Republic, the country's former colonial power which is being hit by the war.

But President Francois Hollande declared that France's forces would not interfere in the internal affairs of the country.

On Sunday, rebels controlled Bangui Francois Bozize and President is rumored to have fled the capital of the Central African Republic.

Central African Republic rebels started fighting again after the deadline given to the Government to meet their demands in accordance with the peace agreement comes to an end.

Seleka said rebels would not withdraw the troops unless the Government frees political prisoners and prisoners-South Africa forces leave the country.

Seleka, which means "the Alliance", signed a peace pact on 11 January with the Government of President Francois Bozize in the Gabonese capital, Libreville.

The agreement, brokered by regional leaders that set a new Government of national unity, which has been formed and is now led by an opposition member, Nicolas Tiangaye, includes members of the Seleka.

The agreement puts an end to a month-long offensive Seleka quickly mastered the northern territories and stop among others thanks to the military intervention in Chad before the rebels overran the capital, Bangui, Central African Republic.

Seleka, an Alliance of the three armed groups, started their armed action on December 10, and has mastered a number of important cities in Central African Republic. They accuse President Francois Bozize was not respecting an agreement that stipulates that the 2007 members who lay down their arms will be paid. (AK)

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The President of the Central African Republic fled into Cameroon

Yaounde (Reuters)-the President of the Central African Republic (CAR) Francois Bozize had landed in the eastern part of Cameroon after leaving his country's capital, Bangui, Sunday morning, said a source at the Cameroon Ministry of defence told Xinhua.

A CAR carrying the presidential helicopter Bozize landed at 18: 00 local time at Batouri airfield, the capital of The Kadey, in Cameroon.

Bozize was accompanied on the helicopter by both his son and aides.

"Yes, he landed there," said Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o from Ministry of Defense over the phone, Sunday night (24/3), told Xinhua.

Bozize left the Presidential Palace for at least 30 minutes before the guerrillas last launched an attack against Seleka complex, said the President of the DRC in its flights.

Bozize and his entourage brought to the residence of the Kadey, where one local source told Xinhua that the DRC's President seems to have been saving yourself from guerrillas in a hurry, because he was not carrying anything.

Its existence is still a mystery after the guerrillas seized the Palace and announced they seized Bangui.

Seleka, sagging Coalition, launched a guerrilla faction's five breakthrough last week in the South since the insistence on waging a resistance in December 2012, when they accused the Government of failing to implement a series of peace agreements signed in the past five years.

Bozize and Seleka peace deal signed in January in Gabon's capital, Libreville. The guerrillas continued to attack not long ago, having given the Government an ultimatum to honor the deal, especially the unification of petempur Seleka into national army and withdrawal of the army of South Africa and Uganda are stationed in the Central African Republic. (C003)

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Musharraf wants to again be President of Pakistan

Karachi (Reuters)-former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf returned to his homeland on Wednesday after nearly four years in exile. He returned to follow the presidential election, despite the possibility of being arrested or killed by the Taliban was threatened.

As reported a variety of international news agency, Musharraf is hoping his party can grab seats in general elections scheduled to take place on May 11.

Jan. 9, Army generals rose to power through a bloody coup as Pakistan's Army Chief in 1999 and left the country after the resignation in 2008 when Asif Ali Zardari was elected President.

Zardari is the husband of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto who was killed in a bomb blast.

Musharraf () is the former dictator and exile in London and Dubai.

Musharraf is facing the charges does not provide adequate security to Bhutto was assassinated in 2007 Benazhir.

He also faces charges related to the death of the separatist leader, in the province of Baluchistan in the South-West Pakistan, He denied the allegations.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Iran threatens to destroy Israel if attacked

The spiritual leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (REUTERS)

This active nation could never be subdued
Dubai (Reuters)-the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Thursday, saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran would destroy Israel cities, Tel Aviv and Haifa, if his country was attacked by the Jewish State.

"Sometimes the officials the Zionist regime (Israel) threatened to launch a military attack. But they know that if they do the slightest mistake, the Islamic Republic will destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground, "said Khamenei when addressed in order to commemorate Iran's new year.

Israel has threatened to conduct military action against Iran unless the Islamic State that stop its nuclear activities.

During this time Western countries suspect Iran's nuclear program is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.

Tehran rejected those allegations and said it wants nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes.

In a statement broadcast by television, Khamenei says Iran last year struggle against international sanctions imposed against his country--related to the nuclear program--it resembles a battle.

He said Iran's enemies have admitted that they are working to "cripple the nation of Iran."

"What happened last year, we need to take a lesson from it," he said, alluding to what he characterized as important advances Iran in science and military.

Khamenei also urged the world to mengormati "natural rights" Iran to enrich uranium for nuclear energy, such as reported Reuters.

The Western powers have rejected that request, saying that Iran hid its nuclear activities from the audit of the United Nations (UN) as well as hinder their investigation.

Talks between Iran and six world powers--the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, will begin again early next month in an effort to reach an agreement regarding the next aspiration of a nuclear Iran.

Khamenei is quiet

Meanwhile, Khamenei acted-finals against the urging of the United States to conduct direct talks between the two countries.

U.S. diplomatic relations and Iran soured after Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979.

"I don't feel optimistic about the talks-talks. Why? Because of previous experiences show that American officials for the talks does not mean we sit down together and reach a logical solution ... What do they mean with the talks is that we sit together and talk to Iran accept their views, "he said.

"Iran only wants enrichment rights, which is a natural right, recognized by the world."

Translator: Tia Mutiasari

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Half of southern Israel Gaza rocket during Obama visit

Illustration. Traces of smoke visible from a rocket which was launched from the northern Gaza Strip. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)

Jerusalem (Reuters)-Two rockets fired by the guerrillas at the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Thursday, hit southern Israel at a time when United States President Barack Obama to visit the country, police said.

"One blew up in the backyard of a house in Sderot, causing damage and both landed in the field," said Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP, referring to a town very close to the Gaza border, which was visited by Obama on the previous trip in 2008 when he was still a senator.

Obama arrived in Israel on Wednesday for the first visit since the elected President, and is expected to travel to Ramallah on Thursday morning for talks with Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas.

It was the second rocket attack since the end of a deadly confrontation for eight days between Israel and Hamas fighters in November which ended with a ceasefire that Egypt brokered, and have almost completely respected.

On 26 February, the guerrillas fired a single rocket that landed near the southern coastal town of Ashkelon in an attack they said to protest the death of a Palestinian prisoner in Israel custody after questioning.

During the eight days of bloodshed in November, a gobbled up victims of 177 Palestinians and Israel, the military said a rocket hit the Israel 1,071, while the other was intercepted in the air of 421 by anti-missile system, Iron Dome'S U.S.-funded.

Obama visited the Iron Dome system, pride, shortly after arriving in the country on Wednesday afternoon.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Turkey supported the call leader of PKK

The Prime Minister Of Turkey, Recep Tayiyip Erdogan (Between)

The time has come for the army to move to steer beyond the border (Turkey)
Ankara (Reuters)-Turkey's Government supports the shout Kurdishtan Workers Party leader (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan, to end fighting

"Abdullah Ocalan's call was a" positive step "," said Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Thursday (21/3).

Erdogan, who was visiting the Netherlands, told reporters that "it is important to practice" in the field.

As soon as peace protests took place, the atmosphere in Turkey and the region will change, said the Prime Minister of Turkey.

If there are no more armed activities of members of the PKK, Turkey security forces will not conduct military operations, Erdogan said, as reported by Xinhua.

On Thursday morning, armed members of the organization called for Ocalan to leave the region, thereby encouraging Turkey's hope for the end of a three-decade insurgency of the Kurdish organization.

"The time has come for the army to move to steer beyond the border (Turkey)," said Ocalan, who is imprisoned, in the letter read by a member of Parliament from pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Pervin Buldan and Sureyya Onder Sirry during the Newroz spring festival in the city of Diyarbakir--the majority of the inhabitants are Kurds.

The PKK, which is inserted into the list of the terrorist organization by Turkey and several other countries, took up arms in 1984 in an attempt to establish the State of ethnic groups in South-Eastern Turkey. Since then, as many as 40,000 people have been killed in conflicts involving the group.

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The conflict through negotiation is completed the Sabah strive

Djoko Suyanto Polhukam Coordinating (Between)

Jakarta (ANTARA News)-the conflict set historically in Sabah, Malaysia, scrutiny by the Government of Indonesia to seriously.

"Let Malaysia finish used to be the problem. But our message is clear, as far as possible amicably through negotiations, "said the Coordinating Minister of politics, law, and HAM, Djoko Suyanto, interrupted Dialogue Defense Jakarta International 2013 (JIDD 2013) in the House of Assembly Jakarta, Wednesday.

In the presence of all members of the delegation of 42 participating countries, the dialogue he gave views on defence-related conflict management.

According to Suyanto, interest in Indonesia even though the conflict was not the case in Indonesia and Malaysia border in East Kalimantan.

"It is not in the line of the border, that is we citizens who left the area, we manage it well," he said.

Malaysia yesterday declared, conflict in Sabah it is the internal problems of the country that need not involve the ASEAN countries.

As a result of the conflict that Sulu Sultanate lineage-linked-berwilayah from southern Philippines to Sabah--the Philippine Government also voiced importance of dialogue with the warring parties.

Malaysia fielded military forces and police to keep out the Abu Sayyaf group which caused the conflict.
Editors: As


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Pope leads Holy Thursday mass will be in prison for children

Pope Francis I attended mass in his swearing in St. Peter's square, Vatican City, Tuesday (7/3). (REUTERS/Paul Hanna)

Vatican City (Reuters)-the Pope will hold masses, major Francis of Holy week on next week in the prison Chapel, children, rather than in the Basilica, for the usual place of the mass, the Vatican said on Thursday.

Pope Francis will lead mass of Maundy Thursday at noon in jail kids Casal del Marmo in the outskirts of Rome.

On the Holy Father's mass will be washed and kissed the feet of 12 men faithful to the memory of Jesus's humble attitude of the Apostles on the evening before the death of Jesus.

All the memories, all the Pope held a mass Thursday at St. Peter's in the Vatican or in the Basilica of St. John in Lateran, the Cathedral Church of the Pope as Bishop of Rome.

The Vatican spokesman says can't remember whether the mass of Maundy Thursday ever held anywhere else.

While serving as a Bishop in Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio former Cardinal was often held a mass Thursday at prisons, hospitals, nursing homes or with the poor.

The Holy Father also once was the Bishop of Rome and his decision to lead the mass in prison shows that the Pope intends to keep his post with Francis wholeheartedly.

Maundy Thursday mass is one of a series of worship during the Holy week before Easter that Catholics lived, this year lasts from 24 March to 31 March, according to Reuters.


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lee Kuan Yew urges Singapore rangkul many immigrants

Lee Kuan Yew (Between/Reuters)

To be a nation, you have to have people ...
Singapore (Reuters)-former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew says, his country should receive a lot of migrants to improve birth rates are low.

Lee made the statement at a Campfire chat show hosted by Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore, Wednesday, along with Paul Volcker, the former Chairman of 85 years, the U.s. Federal Reserve (1979-1987).

He said Japan has undergone aging populations, but "they refused to take the migrants", as quoted from Xinhua.

"So I see a nation diminished half in 20 years, and if it still continues with the same policies, reduced to half again the next, and eventually, it will all be over!," he said.

"To be a nation, you have to have people and you have to have the young people to be stimulating the economy, and young people buy all the gadgets and meal-and if you don't have it, and if you refuse such migrants do Japan people, you will only dissolve into nothingness and I think before it comes, they can change the policy," said Lee.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Obama Urges the Palestinians back to the negotiating table

U.s. President Barack Obama (right) and Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu run together in a welcoming ceremony at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel Aviv, Wednesday (20/3). In his first visit to Israel, Obama pledged to remain committed to security in the Jewish State, carry it whereby the nuclear-armed country concerns Iran has worsened the U.S.-Israel relationship. (REUTERS/Nir Elias)

If peace is reached between us and Israel, Israel really know that all Arab and Islamic countries, i.e. 57 States, will directly recognize the country Israel. "
Ramallah, West Bank (Reuters)-the United States President Barack Obama on Thursday voiced its opposition against the construction of the settlements Israel however pressing Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas to lay claim to the construction of settlements by Israel is stopped before Middle East peace talks can be restarted.

After being greeted with a very warm in Israel, Obama visited the West Bank--the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel, where the Palestinians are disappointed with the small hope survived them that the arrival of the US President will accelerate the formation of an independent Palestinian State, reported Reuters.

In a news conference with Abbas, Obama said that he "had" to describe Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Washington does not consider that the settlement construction activities help "peace efforts".

However, Obama did not urge an expansion of these settlements was halted--a request she gave in the early during his first term as President.

It implies a sense of due to the failure of Israel and the Palestinians in finding a way to restart the negotiations deadlocked since 2010.

However, he did not offer any new ideas about how Israel and the Palestinians could return to the negotiating table at a time when the prospect of a peace agreement in the region looks bleak disturbed by conflict between the West and Iran nuclear and the civil war in Syria.

"My Argument is, although the two sides may have aspects that become objectionable, perhaps doing activities that other party is deemed to be a breach of good faith, we should be able to isolate it to try to reach an agreement," said Obama.

The main problem at the moment, Obama said, is how to achieve sovereignty for the Palestinians and security for Israel.

"That doesn't mean that the construction of the settlements is not important. It means that if we solve those problems, the issue of the settlements will be addressed, "said Obama.

Some 150 Palestinian protesters gathered in Ramallah to launch a protest against the visit of Obama.

They are dammed by the police are on guard so that they do not approach the compound where Abbas is located.

With a smile and was accompanied by Abbas, Obama met with Palestinian officials in nearly all lined up along the red carpet.

Obama had previously explained that he had not brought any new initiatives concerning the peace talks.

He visited Israel and the Palestinian territories is more for "listen".

However, he said that the Foreign Minister of his country, John Kerry, will give the time and energy in efforts to diluting the differences between the two sides while the United States attempts to bring them back to the negotiating table.

Abbas reiterated his assertion about freezing the construction of settlements, but he gives the prospect of wider peace between Israel and other Arab countries if the Palestinian State is formed.

"If peace is reached between us and Israel, Israel really know that all Arab and Islamic countries, i.e. 57 States, will directly recognize the country Israel," he said. (T008/M014)

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North Korea threatens U.S. bases in Japan

North Korea's Army following military exercises in a picture released by North Korea's official KCNA news agency in Pyongyang, Friday (20/3). According to KCNA picture taken on Wednesday (20/3). (REUTERS/KCNA)

The US should not forget that the base Anderson ... as well as a naval base on the main island of Okinawa, Japan, all within reach of the target assets of our precision
Seoul (Reuters)-armed forces of North Korea (North Korea), Thursday, threatening future attacks the United States military bases in Japan, in response to the use of U.S. B-52 bombers armed with nuclear weapons in military training along with South Korea.

The threat came a day after Pyongyang condemned the flight-B-52 flight as "not the unforgivable provocation" and threatened to take military action if they continue.

The Pentagon confirmed that a B-52 took off from Andersen Air Force base in Guam, had been flying over South Korea as part of an annual joint drills, but Pyongyang insists the exercise to consider it as a provocation.

"We can not tolerate the US do exercise a nuclear attack, define us as targets, and notify them as strong warning message," said a spokesman for the armed forces high command in North Korea.

"The US should not forget that the base Anderson ... as well as a naval base on the main island of Okinawa, Japan, all within reach of our precision target assets," it said in a statement broadcast by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA).

Military tensions on the peninsula of Korea are at the highest level during the past few years, with North Korea--angry against the UN sanctions imposed after its nuclear test last month, he--threatening a second Korea War supported by nuclear weapons.

The B-52 had taken part in training with the South Korea-us earlier, but the Pentagon said it has published its use at this time to underscore the U.S. commitment to defending ally South Korea.

"Because the US has started to conduct nuclear blackmail is naked, and we will switch to the appropriate military action," said the spokesman of North Korea's military without elaborating.

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Obama chose the completion of "diplomatic" about Iran's nuclear

The US President, Barack Obama, have a meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday (20/3) with the main discussion agenda Iran nuclear issue. (REUTERS)

Jerusalem (Reuters)-President of the United States (US), Barack Obama, has said that he prefers to handle the Iran nuclear issue by means of "diplomatic", as it became the desire of Iran.

In a joint press conference after meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday (20/3), Obama said "all options remain on the table" and that he preferred a diplomatic solution.

According to a Xinhua News Agency report, Obama said Iran and its nuclear weapons "can be a threat to the region, for the world, as well as create Israel".

The US President also assured Israel with the support of the U.S. Iran nuclear problem remains.

Israel and some Western countries have long accused Iran is secretly trying to make nuclear weapons, an allegation disputed by Tehran. Iran insists its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.

Israel has long threatened to launch an attack against Iran's nuclear installations if diplomacy and sanctions fail to stop Iran's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Theft issues crucial in the Pacific fish

The Commander Of The Pacific Navy Maritime Zone France, Vice Admiral Anne Cullerre. (Afp/Ade P Marboen)

Jakarta (Reuters)-the Commander of the Pacific Navy Maritime Zone France, Vice Admiral Anne Cullerre, confirmed that the issue of the theft of fish and fisheries-based industry has been crucial in the Pacific in the future. "The analogy here, sea fishing industry requires adequate natural resources i.e. fish caught considering world population needs food. This is what a contested sources if the State is not present, "he said in Jakarta on Wednesday. He became one of the speakers in the international Defense Dialogue Jakarta 2013 followed 42 countries. NATO has also become a participant because of the Asia-Pacific region--according to a theme--became JIDD 2013 important area of the world now and in the future.France, he said, take great care on the developments and dynamics in the region. The country also has a fleet stationed around the peninsula of Korea, where North Korea and South Korea are warring again.
Editors: As


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Abdullah Ocalan Announces ceasefire

Diyarbakir, Turkey (Reuters)-a jailed Kurdish Leader Abdullah Ocalan, announced a cease-fire Thursday and asked the militants to put down arms and withdraw from Turkey's territory.

The announcement raises hopes for an end to three decades of conflict between Kurdish militants and the Government of Turkey that has killed tens of thousands of people, the AFP report.

"We are at a stage where the weapons must be silenced," Ocalan said in a letter written from his prison island that strangled and be read to a broad audience in the majority Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, Southeast Turkey,, by a member of the Kurdish Parliament.

"We are at a stage where our armed elements should be withdrawn from Turkey," said the leader of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party (PKK), adding that it was time for political struggle is carried out.

This appeal was submitted to coincide with the time the Kurdish new year or Newroz, and hundreds of thousands of people gathered to celebrate in Diyarbakir.

The announcement of the Armistice that shut down secret peace talks over the past few months between Turkey and Ocalan's intelligence.

Officials started negotiations with Turkey on Ocalan last October, with the main purpose of disarming rebels who use bases in Iraq as a place to launch attacks against security forces in the southeastern region of Turkey.

According to a plan that covered government and Ocalan Ankara, PKK would end hostilities and withdraw fighters from Turkey-warriors as the beginning of disarmament, in exchange for greater rights for Kurds established in the Constitution.

The fugitive Ocalan was arrested in Kenya on February 15, 1999 in a secret operation Turkey after he was exiled from Syria, where he was based for a decade to organize much of the PKK.

The initial verdict against Ocalan death sentence converted to life imprisonment sentence on a prison island off the coast of Istanbul since 2002.

Each year the Kurdish demonstrators clashed with police to protest Turkey's arrest of their leader.

Turkey, the EU and the u.s. considers the Kurdistan Workers ' Party (PKK) as a terrorist organization.

Turkey's military launched air attacks and ground operations are limited to the northern Iraq since August 2011 following the wave of attacks, the PKK guerrillas after the traffic-jammed a ceasefire before.

The PKK launched attacks from their hiding places in the remote mountains of Iraq as part of their war to gain greater rights and autonomy for the Kurdish population.

More than 40,000 people have died since the PKK took up arms in 1984. (M014)

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Monday, March 25, 2013

One of the 50 school-aged children in the US suffer from autism

Autistic Penderitaa Illustrations (Graphics)

Boys are four times more affected by autistic spectrum disorders than girls
Jakarta (Reuters)-at least one of the 50 school-aged children in the United States diagnosed with autism, that number is up 72 percent since 2007.

However, an increasing number of such cases happen to mild autism, according to the study, as reported in Reuters.

In General, based on a survey conducted by phone to more than 100 thousand old people, found that as many as two per cent of children aged between 6 and 17 years old have autism.

That number increased from 1.16 percent in 2007, when the last study was conducted.

"This could translate into a million school age children 6-17 years old, were reported by their parents suffer from autism," said Stephen Blumberg, senior researcher of the center of the U.s. National Health Statistics as part of Disease Prevention and Countermeasures Center, leader of the research.

As previously thought, a tad more who suffer from autism than girls, that is one of the 37 boys than among 143 girls.

In General, people with autism experiencing difficult disorders communicate and conduct social interaction.

It also occurs as a result of increased understanding of older people are increasing about autism symptoms are attacking their son.

Scientists believe genetic factors constitute the largest percentage of the risk of developing the disorder.

Translator: Maria D. Andriana

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DR Congo rebel commander was transferred to the ICC the Hague

Washington (Reuters)-experts from the International Criminal Court (ICC) has arrived in Kigali to help transfer the warlord Bonco Ntaganda Democratic Republic of Congo to the Netherlands for trial, said an official of the United States.

Ntaganda, who gave himself up at the US Embassy in Rwanda on Monday, is expected to be transferred for trial in the Hague which became the ICC bases in the coming days, reports AFP.

"A team from the International Criminal Court arrived in Kigali yesterday to make arrangements of logistics delivery of Bosco Ntaganda to the Hague," said a Foreign Ministry official told AFP Thursday.

"We are looking for ways to facilitate the request sends him to the ICC as soon as possible."

But he did not give a timetable as to when Ntaganda was flown out of Rwanda will be heading to the Hague where he will face charges of using child soldiers, making the women as sex slaves and participated in the killing of at least 800 people in the Congo between 2002 and 2003.

ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said Wednesday that he expected to be transferred within a "few days."

Rwandan President Paul Kagame said Thursday that all support will be given to ensure quick extradition Ntaganda. (AK)

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Government: the death toll of the Damascus mosque blast so 42 people

Beirut (Reuters)-An explosion at a mosque in the capital of Syria, Damascus, Thursday killed at least 42 people, including a senior pro-Government cleric, and wounded 84 others, Syria Ministry of Health said.

State television and the anti-Government activists previously reported 15 dead, reports Reuters.

The television said one suicide blast struck a Mosque in Faith terrorist Center of Damascus, and Mohammed al-Buti, the priest of ancient Ummayyad Mosque, is one of who died.

Buti, a cleric who is reviled by the Government-appointed opposition movement, delivering the prayer sermon Syria Friday every week on television the Government. (AK)

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Patrol helicopter collision in Berlin, one killed

Berlin (Reuters)-A helicopter pilot was killed and four police personnel were injured after two helicopters patrol bertabrakkan in the air and crashed during a Blizzard crashing on Thursday (9/3) in Berlin, Germany.

The accident occurred during a training maneuver around federal police Olimpic Stadium in West Berlin, local radio said, as RBB dilaporan Xinhua, Friday morning.

The helicopter is seen scattering shards around the site of an accident.

As many as 400 police personnel were reported to have participated in training for the mission faced a "hooligan" of football.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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The bodies were flown from Singapore President of Bangladesh

Singapore (Reuters)-the bodies of Bangladesh President Zillur Rahman on Thursday were flown to Dhaka after his death in a Singapore hospital, said the national airline Biman.

Rahman, 84 years old, a veteran politician of the ruling Awami League Party and appointed to occupy the largely ceremonial post in 2009, died on Wednesday at a private hospital in Singapore.

A special flight carrying the corpse of the leaders left Singapore shortly before 10 am local time, said Mohammad Arif Ullah, Biman's country manager in Singapore.

Rahman's family members and his aides also were in the Boeing 737-800, which was expected to land at about 11.50 pm local time in Dhaka, he told AFP.

Rahman, who suffers from kidney and respiratory problems, was flown to Singapore Mount Elizabeth Hospital by air ambulance on March 10 after his health deteriorated.

Bangladesh declared three days of mourning after her death and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called it a "loss that cannot be replaced for the country and the people of that country".

Rahman earlier profession as a lawyer and a member of Parliament who served the longest in the country.

He first joined Parliament in 1973 after identifies the name as an activist who encouraged Bangladesh to break free from the power of Pakistan, AFP reported.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Salafi groups Gaza rocket attacks into Israel:

about what they call the dome of iron (Iron Dome), we affirmed that military engineering they all won't be able to stop torturing them Providence. "
Dubai (Reuters)-a small group of Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip claimed responsibility for firing rockets into Israel border town Thursday during the visit of U.s. President Barack Obama to the region.

Salafi group called Mujahiddin Magles al-Shoura said in a statement on the Internet, they fired a rocket air defence to show that Israel could not stop an attack on the Jewish State during the visit, reported Reuters.

Police said no casualties but the attack raises a number of damage in Sderot near the Gaza border.

"Responding to a hoax ' Roman dog and war criminals ' about what they call the dome of iron (Iron Dome), we affirmed that military engineering they all won't be able to stop torturing them Providence," said the statement, posted on the news website Ansar al-Mujahideen fighters used by the hardliners.

That statement refers to the US President, who is visiting Israel and the West Bank and calling it in a statement upon arrival in Israel the day before.

Iron Dome is anti-missile defense system Israel intended to ambush the rockets and missiles fired from Gaza.

Magles al-Shoura Mujahiddin previously claimed responsibility for deadly attacks in June 2012 in Israel from Sinai.

The Hamas movement that controls Gaza has tried to regulate against the Salafi armed groups, who support the hard-line and often fired rockets into Israel attempted in defiance of the de facto Palestinian Truce.

Israel and Hamas fighters who took control of the Gaza Strip involved in the eight-day battle in November which killed 175 Palestinians, including more than 100 civilians, as well as six people Israel--four civilians and two soldiers.

The violence that erupted on November 14, with the assassination of Hamas military Commander Ahmed Jaabari by Israel.

During the eight-day operation, Israel's military said it had struck more than 1,500 target, while Gaza fighters firing rockets into Israel, 1,254 421 were ambushed by anti-missile system, Iron Dome.

The agreement of Hamas-Israel truce reached on Wednesday (9/11), a day after shuttling diplomacy conducted by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon--who tercoreng by cross-border violence that is increasingly turning out between Israel and the fighters in Gaza.

Egypt's Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr, who spoke at a news conference with Hillary, said in Cairo, the cessation of hostilities the Hamas-Israel went into effect on Wednesday at 19: 00 GMT (Thursday at 02.00 GMT).

The Hamas group took control of Gaza Strip in June 2007 after defeating Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas in deadly combat for several days.

Since then the impoverished coastal territory dibloklade by Israel. The Palestinians also became two separate Union territory--the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the West Bank that is under the rule of Abbas. Now that the two camps have been doing reconciliation.

The European Union, Israel and the United States put Hamas to its list of terrorist organizations. (M014)

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Australia formally apologized over the forced adoption

Australia's Prime Minister, Julia Gillard (Between)

To you, the mothers who was betrayed by a system that does not give you a choice and confronts you at manipulation, improper treatment and malpractice, we apologize. "
Sydney (Reuters)-Australia on Wednesday officially apologized for the forced adoption of tens of thousands of babies who are mostly born of mothers who do not marry between the 1950s to the 1970s.Adoption, which is mostly driven by religious groups in the period paskaperang, "creating a lifetime of pain and suffering", said the national apology delivered by Prime Minister Julia Gillard, reported AFP. "To you, the mothers who was betrayed by a system that does not give you a choice and confronts you at manipulation, improper treatment and malpractice, we apologize, "he said."We apologize to all of you, the mothers who are denied the right to know of you, which means you can't give consent with full understanding. "You guys are given their determination is incorrect. You guys are forced to endure the coercion and the practice's unethical, dishonest and illegal in many ways. "The decision to deliver a formal apology comes after the Senate investigation of the forced adoption found as many as 225,000 babies are taken.Many mother and child are gave evidence at the inquiry which is considered forced displacement babies between 1951 and 1975 in Australia, which at that time was a Christian country powerful and conservative.Taking into account the social stigma attached to women who are not married at the time, young women who become pregnant are often found to be brought to live with relatives or in the home church-run groups or other religious organization.Babies are often given up for adoption before they are born. The investigation found that the women were forced to agree, signature is often obtained fraudulently, and adoption of proposed as inevitable.The women then fought for a reunion with their children. In many cases the adopted babies birth certificate issued on behalf of parents who adopted, arguing that "break up altogether" is the best for all parties. (*)Translator: B Kunto Wibisono

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Lebanon observed the bombing Syria in border town

The military will take action that is necessary to monitor the border with neighboring countries.
Beirut (Reuters)-Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati, on Wednesday (20/3), appointing Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour to follow developments in the bombing of the small town of Lebanon by Syria's border.

After a cabinet meeting, Lebanese Minister of information Walid Daouk told reporters the Lebanese security services have confirmed Syria's army has been waging air strikes against Lebanese territory, according to the Xinhua report, Thursday.

Miqati said in that meeting, "the military will take action that is necessary to monitor the border with neighboring countries."

On Tuesday, President Michel Suleiman instructed Mansour to send a letter of protest to Syria, hoping to prevent "the Syria reiterated that such operations".

But Damascus, in his first comments about the attack, denied involvement in the incident.


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Nicolas Sarkozy is examined in the case of party funds

Bordeaux, France (Reuters)-the former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy officially inspected on Thursday, because "harassing people weak" in a case involving party funds 2007 L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt women, who are already elderly, prosecutors said.

Under the laws of France, official examination is the final step before a suspect facing criminal charges.

Sarkozy, who in March hinted at the possible return to politics, has repeatedly denied receiving campaign funds from Bettencourt.

"Nicalas Sarkozy, who have benefited from the presumption of innocence, has been told that he had been subject to official examination due to take advantage of vulnerable people in February 2007 and during 2007 due to the detriment of Liliane Bettencourt," said public prosecutor after a review process.

Bettencourt, who is 90 years old, was the richest woman in France.

Sarkozy, who was defeated in the general election last year from Francois Hollande, the find annggota in the process of examination of Bettencourt's staff on Thursday morning, Reuters said.

He was questioned by the judges in November, but they chose not to open the big checks against Sarkozy, who lost in the world of politics but still be a candidate that might appear from the conservative strongholds in the coming presidential election in 2017.

Early suspicions about funds stuck out three years ago, when a woman who works as an accountant for Bettencourt, who is mentally fragile, suspect a lot of money taken for Sarkozy's presidential election campaign.

Bettencourt is revealed to be the condition dementia in 2006 and placed under the supervision of his family in 2011.

The TV station France, BFM, citing lawyer Sarkozy, reported the decision was "chaotic and unfair" and he will appeal, according to Reuters.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Palestinians who are on a hunger strike were expelled to the Gaza Strip

Gaza City (AFP)-A Palestinian prisoners ' hunger strike in which Israel had expelled to the Gaza Strip.

Ayman Sharawneh (37), who was arrested for firing up Palestinian protest, has signed a deal to stay in Gaza for 10 years, said Qadura Fares, a leader of the Palestinian resistance groups.

As reported in Reuters, Sharawneh is a citizen of Al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied territories of the West Bank of Jordan River.

Sharawneh was released from jail Israel as part of Israel's exchange of a soldier detained for more than five years in the Gaza Strip in 2011.

Sharawneh, who was hospitalized during the hunger strike, Israel was taken by using an ambulance to the Gaza Strip through The Erez Crossing.

He was taken to the main hospital in Gaza City, where he received a warm welcome as a hero. Dozens of supporters greeted him with a HAMAS flag.

Association of pro-HAMAS detainee stated Sharawneh treated in the intensive care room.

Ismail Haneyah, Prime Minister of the HAMAS Government, praised Sharawneh as a "hero of the resistance".

He has been imprisoned in 2002, during the intifada (armed resistance) Palestinians in 2002. After being arrested, he was among four prisoners on a hunger strike as Israel does not pull out in protest. comment on the expulsion.


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Clash occurred outside the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Cairo (Reuters)-Clashes occur between demonstrasn and the security forces outside the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Mouqatam, around the central part of the capital city of Egypt, Cairo, according to the official daily reports Al-Ahram in an online edition.

Dozens of protesters threw stones toward the security forces guarding the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood. Apparatus countered with tear gas

The report, as quoted Xinhua News Agency, also called the security forces have extended their personnel in that area in order to prevent the protesters barged into the building.

On Saturday, the TV footage showed a blood-soaked opposition activists and several journalists and cameramen were attacked. The Act was allegedly carried out by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the stronghold of Egypt Mohammed Moursi's new President.

Egypt on Sunday Journalist Association organized a sit-in in protest and submitted a report to the State Attorney's Office.


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Hostage Drama ends without Greece prison victim

Athens (Reuters)-the Drama standoff which erupted on Saturday night in a prison complex in Central Greece, ended on Sunday night with no casualties, the police said Greece.

A prisoner who has a reputation of Albania Alket Rizaj negative and two friends fled after holding five people, including guards and other prisoners, for almost 24 hours.

They began the standoff drama after failing in an attempt to escape from the prison of Malandrino.

The prisoners demanded the car and extra cash to escape, as well as threatened to use explosives assembled, Xinhua reports.

Rizaj was serving a life sentence for murder since 2003 and twice escaped from jail has maximum safeguards and other with the use of helicopters in 2006 and 2009.

Other prisoners have a bad reputation trying to escape from the prison complex in southern Greece by helicopter in February this year.

But he was stopped by guards who opened fire and injured him and some friends.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Slide the United Kingdom, the largest weapons exporters in China

Stealth frigate of the Navy of China (

Beijing (Reuters)-China has become the fifth largest weapons exporters in the world, according to a leading think tank the Institute of Sweden, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), as quoted in Reuters. This Ranking is the highest since the cold war, while Pakistan became the largest recipient of weapons supply to China.The export Volume of China's weapon on the 2008-2012 period increased by 162 percent compared to five years earlier, and this also contributed to the rise in sales volumes of weapons from world 2 percent to 5 percent.China shifts on five of the largest United Kingdom ekportir weapons between 2008 and 2012, while the United States and Russia dominate with their respective 30 percent and 26 percent, according to SIPRI.China has turned out to be a great arms supplier to a number of recipient countries (weapons) is important, "said Paul Holtom, Director of SIPRI Arms Transfers Program as reported Reuters. SIPRI tracks the circulation of weapons the world already since the 1950s and compiling data in the five yearly base."Pakistan receives 55 percent of China's arms exports seem to be the biggest recipient of weapons remain to be China in the coming years, "said SIPRI.Myanmar received 8 percent of China's arms exports, Bangladesh 7 percent, while Algeria, Venezuela and Morocco had purchased a number of frigates, aircraft and other vehicles of war from China in recent years.Germany and France are in order in the third and fourth weapons exporters.  Editor: Jafar M Prints


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Six rapists Switzerland Tourist Police diringkus India

Bhopal (Reuters)-India's police arrested six men accused of raping a tourist Switzerland who camped with her husband in a forest in the State of Madhya Pradesh, central India.

All the suspects will be exposed to the judge on Monday, said Dilip Arya, Deputy Inspector General of police, told Reuters. Police also found the valuables belonging to Switzerland's partner.

Rape on Friday night against Switzerland women aged 39 years it took place three months after a medical student was raped and beaten at a rollicking bus that runs and thrown the victim died after being hospitalized in Singapore.

One woman is raped every 20 minutes in India, according to the national crime Records Bureau. However, police estimate, only four out of 10 rapes are reported.

Switzerland woman and her husband were visiting in the State with a bike ride and stay in tents in the forest.

Arya told Reuters, Wednesday, seven men attacked the couple and four of them raped the woman.

However, the police investigation found then that only six people involved in the crime, he said.

Those arrested are aged between 20 and 25 years of age and members of the local tribe known as Kanjar, Arya said. They also carry firearms.

Switzerland's woman and her husband had left the State and is now in the Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi.


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Nigeria has declared eight foreign hostages attempted to save

Abuja (Reuters)-the federal Government of Nigeria has declared he was doing whatever he could to ensure the eight foreigners taken hostage by guerrilla groups in the northern part of the country was freed without injury.

Minister of Foreign Affairs reveals that on Olugbenga Ashiru Saturday (4/3), when he met with the Abkhaz from France Laurent Fabius at the Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport, Abuja.

The Nigerian Minister said that effort will include the payment of a ransom because that is left-back with government policy.

Ashiru told his guest of Nigeria will be the main target of regional terror suspects if there is no intervention of France and ECOWAS troops in crisis in Mali, according to the Xinhua report--monitored Between in Jakarta, on Sunday night.

"We will do whatever possible to ensure we are able to liberate the hostages as part of our own policy, we will not pay ransom to the perpetrators of terror but we will do whatever possible to ensure that terror suspects freed their hostages without doing actions that harm them," she added.

Ashiru told reporters his meeting with Minister of France who was visiting that aims to examine the relationship between them.


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Women leaders of HAMAS died of his illness in the Gaza Strip

Gaza City (AFP)-a woman lawmaker from the Islamic resistance movement (HAMAS), known as the "mother of battles", died of illness in the Gaza Strip, Sunday morning, said the HAMAS bloc in Parliament.

Mariam Farhat (64) died 24 hours after he returned from Egypt, where he has been undergoing treatment due to hepatitis.

Mariam became a star in the Gaza Strip with the nickname "mother of struggle" or "mother of martyrs", after three of her son--all of them HAMAS militants--were killed by Israel gunfire in separate incidents, said Xinhua--which monitored Between in Jakarta, on Sunday night.

In 2002, he appeared in one video amateur to say goodbye to his son (17) which will be launched an attack against Israel targets.

Her son managed to infiltrate into Israel settlements in the southern Gaza Strip and killed five students before he was shot dead.

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Activists of the United Kingdom's nuclear program said Israel continues to pledge

Activists of the United Kingdom denounced the Zionist regime because it is operating outside the framework of the IAEA or NPT. (

Berlin (Reuters)-the peace movement will increase the United Kingdom attempts to uncover the truth about Israel's secret nuclear program, said the activists of the United Kingdom's leading news agency IRNA was quoted as saying.

Kate Hudson of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) continues to pledge labour "with very strong to dismantle the secret surrounding the nuclear program Israel" when speaking in the discussion in Berlin on the anniversary of the outbreak of war in 10 Iraq.

He condemned the Zionist regime because it operates "entirely outside the framework of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)" and refused to permit the inspection or surveillance internationally.

Hudson convey anger over the fact that Israel cannot even agree to enter the process of dialogue on its nuclear program.

The Zionist regime is reported to have been turned into a giant nuclear.

Israel is thought to have hundreds of nuclear weapons, the deposits put it in fifth position among the countries that have nuclear power as well as downgrades India program, Pakistan and North Korea.

Countries of the Non-Aligned and Moslem have repeatedly denounced the West with hypocrisy tolerate Israel's Atomic production and at the same time condemning Iran's nuclear activities because of legitimate civilian purposes as well as fully under control of the UN's nuclear watchdog.

Meanwhile, peace activists denounced the u.s. and United Kingdom United Kingdom for not pressuring the Jewish State to open its illegal nuclear program.

Hudson highlighted the fact that the West impose "absolute double standard when dealing with Iran's nuclear program.

"The group we strive to end the double standard when it comes to how our Government deals with Iran," said women's activist.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Lebanon asked for help to handle refugees Syria

Illustration. Syria refugees waiting to register their names at the refugee camp of Al Zaatri in Mafraq, Jordan, one of the towns in bordering Syria. (REUTERS/Mohammed Hamed)

Beirut (Reuters)-Lebanese Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour issued an appeal to the UN Security Council and Arab countries to provide assistance for refugees in Lebanon, Syria.

In an interview with Voice of Lebanon radio, Abou Faour, Sunday delivered a deep concern about the prospects of Syria refugees whose number has reached the figure of half a million.

However Faour firmly said that the Lebanese Government's ability to act has gone beyond limits, Xinhua said.

Currently, more than 357.000 refugees reside in Lebanon, Syria, and most recently UNITED NATIONS statistical data.

In December 2012, Lebanon has asked donor countries to provide international financial package amounting to 370 million u.s. dollars in order to help him to give assistance to refugees that Syria ditampungnya.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Ash-Shabaab guerrillas but by cities in southern Somalia

The Somali resistance groups, Al-Shabaab while doing exercises. (REUTERS)

Mogadishu (Reuters)-Somalia's militant Group, Al-Shabaab seizes Hudur, a small town in southern Somalia, following the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces and Somalia stationed in the area, said local residents.

Some reports from the area indicate petempur Ash-Shabaab arrived at Hundur just hours after Somali Government and Ethiopian troops leave and there was no fighting in the capture of important small town.

Hudur, the provincial capital of Bakool Region, has been under the control of Somali and Ethiopian Government troops over the past two years later, after Ethiopian troops crossed the Somali border to hunt down guerrillas in the town of petempur.

"Petempur Hudur in the hands of Al-Shabaab. Government and Ethiopian troops went last night (Saturday) and Ash-Shabaab came early in the morning, "said a resident of Hudur, which nobody wants to mention illegally, to Xinhua.

According to reports from Somalia's Bakool, and Ethiopian Government troops regrouped on the outskirts of the small town of Hudur and it remains calm despite the tense atmosphere. Residents have begun to flee their homes fearing fighting will take place between the parties.

It was the first important little town which is controlled by Al-Shabaab since they terdepak of most cities and towns in Central and southern Somalia, including the country's capital, Mogadishu, and the strategic port town Kismayo.

Ethiopian troops crossed the border and entered Somalia in 2011 to give support to the Somali Government forces and African Union peacekeeping in the country of the Horn of Africa.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Russia put a permanent naval forces in the Mediterranean Sea

Russia Warships illustrated (

As many as five or six warships in the Mediterranean Sea should be on the basis of permanent, "
Moscow (Reuters)-Russia Navy will put a permanent task force in the Mediterranean Sea, said Admiral Viktor Chirkov in Moscow, Sunday.

"As much as five or six warships in the Mediterranean Sea should be on the basis of permanent," said Chirkov in one interview with the TV station which is operated by the Ministry of Defense.

Additionaly, it will consist of skadron aboard the frigate, Cruiser and supporters.

The task force will be under the command of the Black Sea Fleet Russia, Chirkov said as quoted by Xinhua--which monitored Between in Jakarta, on Sunday night.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has said the Navy has the ability to shape the skadron can operate in the region.

However, he could not give a timetable for the deployment, which will need to secure logistics and maintenance of warships in the Mediterranean Sea.


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China's commitment to tackle pollution and food safety

China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang (REUTERS/Jason Lee)

We will enhance the economic development and also creates a clean air quality, drinking water and food are safe, "
Beijing (Reuters)-China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang said China's commitment to tackling the problems of pollution and food safety firmly.

"We will boost economic development by also creating a clean air quality, drinking water and food are safe," he said, when reporters in Beijing, the inventiveness of the week.

Speaking after the close of the 12th Congress of the people of China Li Keqiang National pleads with pollution haze was very indignant that blanketed Beijing and Eastern China.

He stressed, "to solve the problem required firmness, resolution proper, clear and measurable. We will set the deadline, ".

A similar case also will be made to deal with the pollution of water and soil, which have also been contaminated industrial waste, he said, Li added.

Food security-related, Prime Minister Li said it has also become a major concern due to the Governments concerned the health and quality of life of the community.

He said the Government will firmly crack down on food safety offenders and would have to pay dearly for it.

Li Keqiang said the Government will encourage the development of science, food safety and environmentally related in a way that is more transparent.

Food security conditions in some parts of China are of concern. Some reported security breaches.

Like cooking oil recycled from the sewer, carcinogens found in milk and eggs.

In 2008, melamine-contaminated milk killed six children and making 300 thousand others sick.

Not only that some time ago, Shanghai food safety authorities found levels of antiobiotik and steroids that exceeds the standard, in fried chicken Yum Brands Inc.--sort of like KFC--.

Authorities also found the level of antiviral drugs that are suspicious at any one of the eight samples tested.

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Three women were killed in a fire in Russia

Moscow (Reuters)-Three women were killed and a boy was a child injured in a fire that occurred in a house in the village of Bykov Otrog, Balakovo, Saratov region, southern Russia, Sunday.

"As a result of smoke inhalation concentrations, three girls Filipina born in 2003, 2009 and 2012 were killed. Boy male births in 2000 was taken to hospital, "said the city's Emergencies Center, without giving any information about the parents of the poor children.

Neglect, smoked with sloppy and reluctance to comply with fire safety regulations has become the most frequent cause of residential building fires across Russia.

The number of home fires has increased dramatically in the country following the collapse of the Soviet Union, such as reported to RIA Novosti.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Bombs assembled lukai Asians in Bahrain

Manama (Reuters)-A bomb exploded on Sunday morning Assembly in the village of Diar, which churns in Bahrain, and injured one person in Asia, said officials at the Ministry of the Interior.

The bomb exploded near a primary school Son Ad-From near bike workshop, an hour before the pupils come to the school, said Director General of police Gubernuran Muharraq in the Interior Ministry in a statement.

He added that Asians suffered cuts on his hands, reports Xinhua--which monitored Between in Jakarta, on Sunday night.

A bomb disposal unit and the examiner team immediately deployed to a location thing.

On 5 November last year, two Asians were killed and another five injured in a blast aimed to Bahrain's capital, Manama.

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India muluskan BILL perberat penalty for rapist

PRIME MINISTER Of India Manmohan Singh (Between/REUTERS)

Bill antiperkosaan has been approved and the rest of the recommendations of the Ministerial Group has been accepted. "
New Delhi (Reuters)-India's Cabinet on Thursday gave the green light to a Bill which amplifies the punishment of the rapists, according to the report, following the occurrence of rape in a group in New Delhi that it would spark anger and demands for punishment of the rapists diperberat.

The cabinet led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to smooth the Bill Crimes (Amendment) one day after a group of Cabinet Ministers gave their consent to the Bill proposal, the AFP report.

The BILL will be discussed by political groups on Monday, said the upcoming report of the NDTV television station.

"The Bill has been approved and the entire antiperkosaan the recommendations of the Ministerial Group has been accepted," said the TV station quoted the Minister of Justice IBNLive Ashwini Kumar.

The Bill gives the minimum 20-year prison sentence for rapists.

Penalties could be diperberat a lifetime prison sentence, Press Trust of India report.

The Press Trust of India also reported that the BILL would also allow the rapists are executed if rape victims died or lost consciousness permanently.

Under the legislation in force at the moment, rapists face the threat of imprisonment for seven to 10 years.

The Bill also proposed lowering the age limit for the perpetrators of rape to be charged, i.e. from 18 years to 16 years.

According to NDTV reports, the Bill recommends the granting of uga heavy penalties against those who are stalking and spying.

The BILL will become law if approved at the level of Parliament.

Last month, President Pranab Mukherjee agreed to a number of temporary measures in carrying out the Government's pledge to improve security for women in India.

A panel formed by the Government in January and then recommend legislation that firmer after a 23-year-old Sorority savagely raped by six men who were drunk on a bus on 16 December.

The Sorority was killed almost two weeks later after suffering injuries in a very awful.

Five of the six suspects have been dragged into court of rape on charges of kidnapping, rape and murder in a group.

The suspect key principals, Ram Singh, was found dead in a prison cell on March 11, occupied room recently. Police estimate that Singh was killed due to hung herself.

The sixth indicted suspect light and undergo a trial in court.  (T008/M014)

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coordinated explosions kills 25 people in Baghdad

We heard shooting and a few minutes later, three attackers wearing military uniforms came to the second floor and started to shoot blindly. "
Baghdad (Reuters)-coordinated blasts killed at least 25 people in central Baghdad, Wednesday, near the green zone with rigorous care which is the location of a number of Western embassies, said police and medical officials.

Yet there are those who claim responsibility for the bombing, but the Sunni guerrillas redouble their effort to undermine Iraq's Shiite government and enlarge the conflict between communities this year, Reuters reports.

Police said two car bombs exploded in the District of Alawi, one of them near the building of the Ministry of Justice, before the suicide attacker detonated his car bomb near the offices of the Interior Ministry.

A suicide attacker entered the offices of the Ministry of Justice, then a number of militants attacked the building and clashed with security forces who later managed to overwhelm Iraq again situation.

"I went to the second floor to do something when I heard the explosion, then an explosion," said Ammar Ghanim, a policeman who was in the building of the Ministry of it at the moment.

"We heard shooting and a few minutes later, three attackers wearing military uniforms came to the second floor and started to shoot blindly," police said. "I hit a shot in the foot and I am proud to kill one of them (attackers)."

Among those killed were at least seven police officers and 15 civilians, police and medical officials said. Three militants also were killed. At least 50 people injured.

Violence is the last of a wave of bombings and suicide attacks in the middle of a political crisis between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his Government partners and protest marches over the past few weeks demanding his resignation.

Throughout February, 220 people were killed in violence in Iraq, according to the data, based on AFP information from security sources and medical.

Iraq is engulfed in political chaos and violence that killed thousands of people since u.s. forces completed a withdrawal from the country on 18 December 2011, leaving security responsibilities to Iraq troops.

In addition to having problems with the Kurds, Iraq's Government is also at odds with Sunni groups.

Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (Shiite) since December 2011 sought the arrest of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on charges of terrorism and attempting to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-absolute. Both are Sunni leaders.

Iraq officials issued an arrest warrant for Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on December 19, 2011 after they gain recognition that connect him with terrorist activity.

Dozens of guards of Hashemi, a Sunni Arab leader, was arrested in a few weeks after the announcement, but it is not clear how many people were now on hold.

Hashemi, who denied the allegations, was hiding in the Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq, and Kurdish leaders refused to pass them to Baghdad.

The Kurdish government even allowed the regional visit to Hashemi did Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. (M014)

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Minister of Foreign Affairs visited the U.S. to Asia in April

U.S. Secretary Of State John Kerry (REUTERS/Jacquelyn Martin/Pool)

... confirms the Government's commitment to continue to expand and improve the economy, security and u.s. strategic interests in the Asia-Pasirik. "
Washington (Reuters)-United States Secretary of State John Kerry will do in his first visit to Asia in mid-April, an official announced Thursday.

North Korea is expected to be the main agenda during the visit.

Kerry will visit South Korea, Japan and China after attending the ministerial meeting of the G8 Foreign Ministers in London on 10 and 11 April, said a spokesman for the U.s. State Department, Victoria Nuland, the AFP report.

Minister of Foreign Affairs AS it will "discuss in full the issues of bilateral, multilateral and regional economic cooperation as well as the environment," said Nuland.

North Korea nuclear test last month that increases tension on the Korea Peninsula is expected to dominate the agenda of the talks, as well as the issue concerns a matter of hacking the Internet originating from China.

Climate change, with China as one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters in the world, will also be discussed in the meetings.

"The Foreign Minister will continue to assert the Government's commitment to continue to expand and improve the economy, security and u.s. strategic interests in the Asia-Pasirik," said Nuland.

Kerry "can't wait for a return visit to Asia," he added.

John Kerry, the former US senator who took over the post of Foreign Minister from Hillary Clinton on Feb. 1, has done his first foreign visit to U.S. ally countries in Europe and the Gulf.

Nuland also announced that Kerry will take part in a meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers in Brunei in June and at the same time will make a visit to the Southeast Asian countries. (T008/M014)

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