Farmer jailed in Hong Kong for burning flag

A man has been jailed in Hong Kong for burning the national flag, in the first sentence of its kind.

S Korea suspends savings banks citing weak finances

South Korea has suspended seven local savings banks citing the weak state of their finances.

Japan urges mass evacuation ahead of Typhoon Roke

More than a million people in central and western Japan have been urged to leave their homes as a powerful typhoon approaches.

Burma begins swap scheme for cars over 40 years old

Owners of some of Burma's most antiquated cars have been queuing in Rangoon to exchange their old vehicles for permits to import newer models.

Polio strain spreads to China from Pakistan

Polio has spread to China for the first time since 1999 after being imported from Pakistan, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Russia continue arms shipments to Syria

Syria Liberation Army fired his weapon when he clashed with troops loyal to the President of Syria Bashar Al-Assad in the Bustan al-Qasr, Aleppo, Friday (30/12). (REUTERS/Muzaffar Khan)

Moscow (Reuters)-Russia arms exporting Companies continued shipping weapons to Syria and will continue to do so despite the Middle East that are being hit by the civil war.

"We continue to make our liability according to clause delivery contracts in the military," said the Director of Rosoboronexport, Anatoly Isaikin, in a news conference.

He said the weapons were delivered including air defence systems, anti-tank guided missiles, not including equipment such as fighter aircraft or helicopters.

"Export does not violate international law or UN Security Council resolution," he said as quoted Reuters.

Russia is the main weapons supplier to Syria, and has long been an ally President Bashar Al Assad. Moscow also has rejected the three UN Security Council resolution aimed at pressuring President Bashar Al Assad.

(Act. A061)

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Hugo Chavez is rumored to live a "alternative" cancer treatments

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez images visible on an altar of worship in Caracas, Friday (4/1). Chavez still suffering "acute" breathing infections which makes it difficult for him to breathe while he struggled to recover from cancer surgery in Cuba, according to the Government on Friday yesterday. 58 years-old socialist leader not seen in public for more than three weeks. The official staff he is in a weak condition after undergoing four operations in just over 18 months due to cancer of the pelvic area are kept secret. (REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

... the care is very complicated and difficult. However, it is believed this method will be able to end the President's illness. "
Caracas (Reuters)-Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is being receiving treatment "alternatives are complicated" after undergoing cancer surgery in Cuba two months ago, said Vice President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday.

The Socialist leader is 58 years old never appeared in public since went to Havana to perform operations on December 11, 2012. The operation is the fourth cancer for 18 months.

Nicolas Maduro did not reveal details on what he meant as the alternative treatments that must be tempered by the President. Chavez himself never said what type of cancer he suffered and the observers accused the Government is too secretive about the condition of the oil-rich country's leader.

"Yesterday our Commander-in-Chief is undergoing alternative treatment ... treatment is so complex and is also difficult. However, it is believed this method will be able to end the President's illness, "Maduro said in a statement on State television.

The Government, which rejected the notion has not been transparent about the health of Chavez, saying that the President has gone through a critical period in post-operation and are starting a "new phase" of the healing process. But the Government did not provide more details about the new phase that is meant.

When Chavez retired from Office, Maduro is expected to advance in the elections against an opposition group leader Henrique Capriles, who is also the Governor of the State of Miranda and defeated in presidential elections last October. (G005)

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Obama's Afghanistan plan to pull the troops greet

Illustration. Army specialist from C 3/82 Companny MEDEVAC Dustoff Nicole Derk make cross stitch when his shift in Logar Province, Eastern Afghanistan. (INTERMEDIATE/REUTERS/Umit Bektas/ox/11.)

Kabul (Reuters)-the Government of Afghanistan on Wednesday, welcoming the announcement of President Barack Obama, who said that the United States will pull soldiers from 34 thousand war-torn countries in the next year.

"We welcome this," said Defence Ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir Azimi, "we will take all security responsibility by the end of 2013."

"Our troops will replace them," he said, as quoted by AFP.

Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai has long supported the withdrawal of United States combat forces schedule and NATO by the end of 2014.

He says Afghanistan forces are capable of taking responsibility for the fight against Taliban guerrillas.

Obama, who gave the announcement of withdrawal of troops in his State, said that the withdrawal would continue and "at the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will end."

The Taliban called the withdrawal of the troops was not enough.

"The problem will not be completed by reducing or increasing the number of troops," said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

"During the invasion force remains in Afghanistan, the jihad (holy war) continues to progress. The problem is finished with the withdrawal of the occupation forces and the return of the overarching Afghanistan to Afghanistan people. "

Obama's move effectively halving the number of 66 thousand United States soldiers who are in Afghanistan, while NATO forces prepare to hand over control of security operations in Afghanistan security forces 352 thousand by the end of 2014.

NATO, which has about 40 thousand soldiers in Afghanistan, will also pull their troops gradually before the end of 2014.


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South Korea boost missile defenses

South Korea and the United States Marines follow Winter military exercises on Pyeonchang, some 180km from Seoul, South Korea, Thursday (7/2). North Korea has vowed to launch more rockets and nuclear test in response to UN censure of the launch of a long-range missile last December.(REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won)

... will speed up the development of ballistic missiles with a range of 800 kilometers ... "
Seoul (AFP)-South Korea, Wednesday, States will accelerate the development of long-range missiles that can reach all areas of North Korea in response to Pyongyang's third nuclear test. Yesterday the Pyongyang test fly system to confirm the success of their "mini" nuclear weapons. A free trial of it to cause seismic activity equivalent to 4.9 on the Richter scale with a roughly seven-kiloton warhead. Hiroshima atomic bomb by The Little Boy bomb on August 6, 1945, consisting of 20 kilotons.

"We will accelerate the development of ballistic missiles with a range of 800 kilometers," said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of South Korea, Kim Min-Seok, told reporters. Not just Pyongyang that could be achieved, but also Beijing and China's cities in the country-side Bamboo Curtain.

In October last year, South Korea has reached an agreement with the United States expanded the range of their missiles system up to three times as much. South Korea based it is essential in order to ward off missiles North Korea nuclear program and answers to Pyongyang.

The UNITED NATIONS puts soldiers in South Korea 28,500 and guarantee a "nuclear umbrella" If the adversary State Ginseng that attacked the use of nuclear weapons. In return, South Korea should be subject to the provisions of the limitation of the ability of misilnya.

Based on the agreement in last October, South Korea develop missiles capable of roaming is limited to 300 kilometers.

Editor: Ade Marboen


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UN: Sri Lanka failed to meet appointments investigate war crimes

Colombo (Reuters)-Sri Lanka has failed to fulfill promises to investigate serious human rights violations and allegations that thousands of civilians were killed in the final stages of the ethnic war in that country, the UNITED NATIONS said in a report.

HUMAN RIGHTS experts report that found that an investigation by the local government is not convinced and is not independent and impartial nature.

The report, seen by AFP on Wednesday, presented to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on Monday.

"The steps being taken to investigate allegations of serious violations of HUMAN RIGHTS crimes are not conclusive and no independent and impartial nature," the report said.

The document, drawn up by experts who visited Sri Lanka in September, called on the Government to form a "truth search mechanisms" to "transitional justice" in a country that recently rose from nearly four decades of ethnic conflict.

According to the document, the severe human rights violations, including the killing of 17 aid workers from France charitable foundation in August 2006, was not investigated even though the Government has promised to immediately bring the perpetrators to justice.

Also there is no transparency in the investigation of claims about military killings without trial during the final stages of the war.

Sri Lankan troops launched a major offensive to crush the Liberation Tigers of Tamil rebel group Eelam ('S LTTE) in 2009 which ended the nearly four-decade ethnic war in the country.

However, the victory over Sri Lanka'S LTTE forces spark the widespread allegations of human rights violations.

In September 2011, Amnesty International based in London, quoting eyewitnesses and aid workers who said, at least 10,000 civilians killed in the final phase of the military offensive against Tamil Tiger guerrillas in May 2009.

In April 2011, the panel report was UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted the allegations of war crimes committed on both sides.

Sri Lanka criticised UN Commission report as "preposterous" and said the report was one-sided, and relies on subjective evidence from anonymous sources.

Sri Lanka rejects call for international investigation of war crimes and insisted that no civilians are being targeted by Government forces. However, HUMAN RIGHTS groups said, more than 40,000 civilians may be killed as a result of the action of both adversaries.

The Sri Lankan Government on May 18, 2009 announced the end of the decades-old conflict with the Tamil Tigers after troops put down the remnants of the rebel force and killed their leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran.

Colombo's statement marked the end of one of the longest-running ethnic conflict and brutal in Asia, killing tens of thousands of people in a variety of battles, suicide attacks, bombings and assassinations.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ('S LTTE) Velupillai Prabhakaran has acknowledged that died in the attack on the Sri Lankan Government forces.

The UNITED NATIONS estimates, more than 100,000 people were killed in the Tamil separatist conflict after the Tiger Tamil rebels appeared in 1972.

About 15,000 rebels battling the Sri Lankan Government and the Tamil in the ethnic conflicts that in an attempt to set up an independent Tamil State.

Tamil communities reach about 18 percent of Sri Lanka's population totaled 19.2 million people and they are concentrated in the provinces of the North and East of the rebel-controlled. The majority of the population of Sri Lanka is Sinhala residents. (M014)

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Turki katakan ledakan mobil di perbatasan Suriah adalah serangan bom

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Seorang pria melintas sebuah gerbang yang rusak setelah terjadi ledakan di gerbang perbatasan Cilvegozu antara Turki dan Suriah di provinsi Hatay, Senin (11/2). Sebuah mobil meledak di perbatasan Turki-Suriah di dekat kota Reyhanli, Turki, Senin kemarin, menewaskan setidaknya tujuh orang dan melukai belasan lainnya. (REUTERS/Cem Genco/Anadolu Agency)

Ankara (ANTARA News) - Perdana Menteri Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan Selasa mengatakan bahwa ledakan kuat di satu minibus di perbatasan Suriah yang menewaskan 14 orang adalah serangan bom.

"Satu kendaraan sarat dengan bom mampu mencapai gerbang pabean kami karena gerbang pabean di sisi Suriah tidak bekerja dan tidak sedang dikendalikan," kata Erdogan kepada parlemen setelah insiden itu Senin.

Kendaraan itu meledak pada Senin di zona penyangga antara Turki, Cilvegozu, melintasi perbatasan Suriah dan pos Bab al-Hawa, yang disita oleh para pemberontak Suriah pada Juli.

"Apa yang kita lihat dalam rekaman itu bahwa itu adalah tempat parkir yang ramai dengan para pejalan kaki ... Siapa saja dapat melihat korban tewas yang parah," kata Menteri Kehakiman Sadullah Ergin kepada wartawan sebelumnya.

"Jadi kami percaya warga sipil adalah target yang jelas," tambah Ergin. "Saya mengutuk tindakan teror ini."

Pemerintah Turki mencari segala kemungkinan, termasuk klaim bahwa serangan itu mungkin telah dilakukan oleh media intelijen Suriah, kata laporan lokal.

Kelompok pembangkang dalam berbagai faksi pemberontak Suriah juga di bawah sorotan.

Penyeberangan Cilvegozu adalah salah satu dari tujuh pos di sepanjang perbatasan 910 kilometer Turki (560 mil) yang perbatasan dengan Suriah.

Ini adalah gerbang utama ke Suriah, dengan ratusan truk berbaris setiap hari untuk membawa bantuan kemanusiaan ke negara yang dilanda perang.

Rekaman video menunjukkan minibus itu tiba dari Suriah dan parkir dekat perbatasan 20 menit sebelum meledak, kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Muammer Guler.

Surat kabar Milliyet mengatakan, sekitar 50 kilogram TNT telah disimpan di kendaraan itu dan diledakkan dengan kendali jarak jauh.

Para pejabat menyebut jumlah korban setidaknya 14 orang, empat dari mereka orang Turki dan sisanya warga Suriah, sementara 25 lainnya terluka.

Hurriyet melaporkan bahwa tiga tersangka keluar dari mobil sebelum terjadi ledakan. Dua di antaranya masuk ke Suriah sementara yang ketiga memasuki Turki dan kini masih diburu.

Turki, satu kali adalah sekutu Suriah sekarang menentang keras rezim Presiden Bashar al-Assad, telah mengambil hampir 200.000 pengungsi dari konflik yang telah menewaskan lebih dari 60.000 warga Suriah dalam hampir dua tahun ini, menurut angka PBB. (AK)

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

PBB: 70.000 warga Suriah telah tewas

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Kepala Hak Asasi Manusia PBB Navi Pillay. (RETUERS/Denis Balibouse)

PBB (ANTARA News) - Jumlah korban tewas dalam perang saudara di Suriah kini mendekati 70.000, kata Kepala Hak Asasi Manusia Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa Navi Pillay Selasa saat dia mengecam lagi kegagalan Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk menyetujui tindakan pada konflik.

Pillay mengumumkan bulan lalu bahwa korban telah mencapai 60.000. "Angka itu sekarang mungkin mendekati 70.000," kata Pillay saat bertemu dengan Dewan Keamanan mengenai perlindungan penduduk sipil dalam konflik.

"Kurangnya konsensus tentang Suriah dan kelambanan yang dihasilkan telah menjadi bencana dan warga sipil di semua sisi telah membayar harganya," kata Pillay, yang mengecam perbedaan pendapat di Dewan Keamanan atas konflik selama 23-bulan.

"Kami akan dinilai terhadap tragedi yang telah berlangsung di depan mata kita. Dewan ini, serta orang-orang dari kita dalam posisi penting di dalam PBB, akan ditanya apa yang kita lakukan," katanya.

Rusia, sekutu terakhir Presiden Suriah Bashar al-Assad, dan China telah menggunakan kekuatan mereka sebagai anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan tiga kali memblokir resolusi yang akan hanya mengancam sanksi atas konflik.

Pillay membuat imbauan baru untuk agar perang sipil itu akan dirujuk ke Pengadilan Pidana Internasional.

"Ini akan mengirim pesan yang jelas kepada pemerintah dan oposisi bahwa akan ada konsekuensi atas tindakan mereka, dan bisa sangat efektif untuk pencegahan yang signifikan," kata komisioner HAM PBB yang vokal itu. (AK)

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Iran agreed on "a few things" with the IAEA investigation into nuclear program problem

A uranium enrichment facility in Isfahan, Iran. The processing facility is suspected in urania became part of secret nuclear weapons development program. (

Dubai (Reuters)-Iran has agreed "some things" with the UN Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday and said that the two sides will meet again to negotiate the remaining differences on the future, such reports from Iran media.

Reuters report indicates failure of interpreting Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to reach an agreement that has long been anticipated by the international world.

Earlier, the IAEA hopes to persuade Iran to allow UN agencies based in Vienna to return to the examination of the suspected nuclear program Tehran, Iran United States in an effort to develop nuclear weapons.

Iran's Ambassador to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh indicated to the media that progress in the Iran negotiations has been reached in a meeting in Tehran. Soltanieh did not reveal further progress he means.

So far the IAEA has not commented on the statements of Soltanieh.

"In addition to successfully bridge several differences and agree on a few things, the two sides have decided to consider and discuss the matter of the proposed new plan in a meeting in Tehran," said Soltanieh, as quoted from the Fars news agency.

Meanwhile television station Press, which is a State-owned media and broadcast news in the United Kingdom, citing that Soltanieh said that the remaining differences will be discussed in the next meeting of the Iran-IAEA. Press TV did not reveal the specific timing for the second meeting of the plan.

A diplomat from a Western country was not mentioned by name by Reuters earlier said, he is not berhatap meeting between IAEA and Iran can produce something real.

On the other side of the Islamic Republic of Iran rejects the Western accusations that suspect the program is aimed at producing nuclear energy, the atom bomb. Iran says that uranium enrichment is done only to supply energy for the aim of civil society. (G005/C003)

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Panel Senat AS setujui pencalonan Hagel sebagai Menhan

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Washington (ANTARA News) - Sebuah panel Senat Amerika Serikat pada Selasa menyetujui Chuck Hagel sebagai Menteri Pertahanan yang baru di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Barack Obama.

Dengan demikian, pencalonan Hagel bergerak maju untuk mendapatkan persetujuan di tingkat berikutnya, yaitu Senat secara keseluruhan, untuk mendapatkan pengukuhan sebagai menteri pertahanan melalui mekanisme pemungutan suara, yang kemungkinan berlangsung pekan ini, lapor Reuters.

Komite Angkatan Bersenjata Senat dalam pemungutan suara mereka menghasilkan suara dukungan 14 berbading 11 bagi pencalonan Hagel --mantan senator Republik dari Nebraska-- untuk menggantikan Leon Panetta sebagai pemimpin Pentagon.

Senator Republik dari Louisiana, David Vitter, tidak memberikan suaranya ataupun meninggalkan pesan apapun. Namun suara yang ia punyai tetap tidak mengubah hasil pemungutan.

Pencalonan Hagel (66) diwarnai dengan keberatan dari sejumlah anggota Senat sesama anggota Partai Republik, yang mempertanyakan apakah ia cukup suportif terhadap Israel dan keras terhadap Iran.

Ketua komite, Senator Carl Levin dari Demokrat, mengatakan kepada para wartawan bahwa ia berharap pemungutan suara di tingkat Senat akan berlangsung pada akhir pekan ini.

Kendati demikian, ia mengatakan hari pemungutan suara bisa bergeser jika kubu Republik menggunakan prosedur untuk melakukan penundaan. (T008/M016)

(Uu.SYS/C/T008/C/M016) 13-02-2013 06:27:14

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Kerry desakkan for the Planned crackdown as a warning to Iran

John Kerry (REUTERS/Gary Cameron)

The same for North Korea not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, then the same also applies to Iran. "
Washington (Reuters)-United States Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday prompt response is "strong and credible" from world leaders to North Korea over the nuclear test recently conducted.

According to Kerry, those steps can demonstrate to Iran that the international community is not playing in the non-proliferation issue, the AFP report.

"This is about the proliferation and also about Iran. These two things are closely related, "said Kerry after meeting with Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh.

"It's important for the international community to have the credibility to make non-proliferation efforts got the confidence," he said while stressing that the powerful countries would back negotiations with Tehran in the next two weeks to discuss suspicions of Iran's nuclear program problem.

On the other hand, in the annual State of the Union speech before Congress on Tuesday night, President Barack Obama promised the United States would take "tough steps" with the allied countries to punish North Korea after Pyongyang sparked global outrage with a third nuclear test.

"The same for North Korea not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons, then the same also applies to Iran," he told reporters.

"Action is as hard as it will impact both for all other businesses related to non-proliferation," said Kerry.

Kerry said that the United States now "will focus his energies" to enforce harsh sanctions from the UN Security Council for Pyongyang over the nuclear tests, which he called "provocative actions" in violation of UN resolutions.

"If you want to say something, then it must have a word meaning something. And so that the words can be meaningful, You must perform the appropriate action, "said Kerry.

"The North Korea nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs in the country now is not just a threat for the United States but also for the peace and security of the world," he said.

Meanwhile China, which are allies of North Korea's trade and politics, have signed a UN Security Council statement which condemned Pyongyang's actions were "clearly a violation" of UN resolutions. (G005)

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AS dilaporkan akan tarik 34.000 tentara dari Afghanistan tahun depan

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Washington (Reuters)-the United States President Barack Obama is expected to announce in its annual State of the Union speech on Tuesday that the troops would be withdrawn from the 34,000 Afghanistan next year.

Action that has been long awaited by the public that United States will thus reduce up to half of the total number of troops from the land of Uncle Sam in Afghanistan at present, i.e. 66,000 personnel, the AFP report.

An unnamed sources by AFP says that Obama will promise to complete the process of withdrawal of the 34,000 soldiers it's annual State of the Union speech he did before 2014.

Yet there are more details on how fast troops withdrawal can be made. The opening of the withdrawal schedule can also affect the number of NATO troops for that still need to fight with the Taliban after the end of the winter.

A senior United States official said that Obama had contacted the President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel to inform decisions on the withdrawal of the troops.

The debate is also going on in the body of the Government about the number of soldiers who have to endure, to train soldiers Afghanistan and conduct operations pasukan, after the end of the NATO mission by the end of 2014.

In the past month, an official of the United States indicated that theoretically it is possible for Washington to not leave the troops. Nevertheless, some observers judge the statement was simply a tactic to negotiate with Karzai.

The AFP source which is the United States Government senior official said that Washington was still committed to the strategic cooperation with Afghanistan. He also confirmed that the talks on the bilateral security agreement are still ongoing.

Afghanistan has declared its readiness to take full responsibility for domestic security by the end of 2014. While the White House said, the strength of the armed forces of Afghanistan currently totaling 352.000 personnel.

NATO itself in the process of transition will not lead operations in the next two years, but still will provide support to the local forces.

Earlier, Obama plans to make the settlement of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as its primary legacy as President. In some occasions she proudly declared that the war for the United States was over.

"We have managed to force the Taliban out of their power base," said Obama in the last month at the White House.

"And our main goal--which is the reason why we went to war--now it's already almost achieved, i.e. making sure that Al Qaida will no longer use Afghanistan to launch attacks on the United States," said Obama. (G005/AK)

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Russia killed six guerrillas of the muslim North Caucasus

The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
Moskow (ANTARA News) - Rusia mengatakan pasukan keamanan telah menewaskan enam gerilyawan pada Selasa dalam serangan di satu hutan persembunyian dan baku tembak di sebuah rumah di Kaukasus Utara, wilayah utama Muslim di mana Kremlin memerangi gerilyawan.

Lebih dari satu dekade setelah Moskow menegaskan kembali kontrol federal atas Chechnya menyusul dua perang separatis, masih berjuang untuk mengatasi kekerasan oleh gerilyawan yang berusaha untuk mendirikan negara Islam di selatan Rusia.

Komite Anti-terorisme Rusia (NAK) mengatakan lima gerilyawan, termasuk pemimpin pejuang yang dicari, tewas di satu hutan di perbatasan Kabupaten Derbent dan Tabasaran, Dagestan, yang saat ini jadi fokus kekerasan pemberontak.

Dikatakan, salah satu pemimpin gerilyawan melakukan serangkaian pembunuhan tahun lalu, termasuk penembakan dua pejabat desa dan direktur satu sekolah menengah setempat.

NAK mengatakan, gerilyawan lain tewas dalam serangan di satu rumah di desa Galashky, provinsi terdekat Ingushetia, setelah seseorang dari dalam melepaskan tembakan terhadap pasukan keamanan, kata NAK.

Satu sabuk bunuh diri, sebuah roket peluncur granat dan beberapa granat disita dalam penggerebekan itu, dan para pakar membawa dua bom rakitan untuk diamankan, katanya.

Serangan-serangan bom terhadap pos pemeriksaan polisi dan penembakan dengan sasaran para pejabat merupakan kejadian sehari-hari di Dagestan.

Resiko keamanan di wilayah tersebut berada dalam sorotan menjelang Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2014, yang Rusia akan menjadi tuan rumah di resor Laut Hitam Sochi, di ujung barat pegunungan Kaukasus. (AK)

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The SECURITY COUNCIL condemnation of North Korea nuclear test

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan. (INTERMEDIATE)

United Nations (Reuters)-the Security Council of the United Nations (DK-UN), Tuesday, denounced the nuclear test North Korea carried out a third time and was determined to take action against Pyongyang.

"The members of the Security Council condemned vigorously these trials, which is a violation of the resolutions of the Security Council," said South Korea's Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan, told reporters, Reuters reported.

South Korea currently is President of the Security Council's monthly.

Sung-hwan says now DK-UN would consider taking "appropriate measures."

Non-binding statement was agreed to by all 15 members of the DK-UN.

United States Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said Washington and its allies want the Security Council passed a resolution that would "add to the sanctions"--who had previously been dropped atomic trials related by Pyongyang in 2006 and 2009.

The Council statement was agreed upon when he did, the trial closed the emergency dituanrumahi by South Korea.

The diplomat said the negotiations about new sanctions could run for weeks because China seems to reject the new measures over fears that new sanctions will lead to further reprisals by North Korea's leader.

Beijing also previously worrisome that heavier sanctions will weaken the economy and cause a flood of refugees fleeing North Korea North Korea to China.

United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China--the five permanent members of the 15-Member Council of State--denounced the latest nuclear test by Pyongyang.

It's called trial supervisory international nuclear test in Vienna as approximately two times larger than North Korea had done in 2009.

U.s. President Barack Obama said the "dangers of threatening activities that North Korea conducted a guarantee for taking further action that is rapid and assured by the international community."

Obama will deliver the annual State of the Union Speech on Tuesday night.

Diplomats say North Korea may indeed choose to blow up the Atomic Sealsa day because Pyongyang usually do such measures on important days in the calendar.

In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Tuesday called North Korea's Ambassador to China to deliver a protest against its latest nuclear test by North Korea.

Who said China "strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed" the test.

A number of diplomats from member countries of the Security Council said that the u.s. and its allies will attempt to embody the overthrow sanctions heavier than just extending the sanctions currently applied after a nuclear test by Pyongyang in 2006 and 2009.

There is no clarity about what steps, if any, that will be supported by China.

Diplomats say China's delegation at the meeting pointed out that his country closed there is the possibility of supporting a new Security Council resolution is a matter of North Korea but does not specify which aspects will they support. (T008/AK)

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Kerry: AS being President of Syria to withdraw then make

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad (REUTERS/There/Handout)

I am sure there is a way that can be done to change the attitude of the current President Bashar (who wish to remain in power). "
Washington (Reuters)-Washington currently trying to convince Syria President Bashar al-Assad to step down from his post and accept the consequences, "inevitable", said United States Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday.

"I am sure there is a way that can be done to change the attitude of the current President Bashar (who wish to remain in power)," said Kerry told reporters, AFP reported.

The highest United States Diplomat did not disclose in detail the steps that will be undertaken to convince Bashar, but on the other hand claimed to have a "good omen" for the success of the plan.

Kerry, who recently met with Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, was confident the withdrawal of Bashar is the "inevitable" given the condition of the civil war in Syria at the moment.

"Currently, conditions in Syria is still not able to compel him to go down, but in the future it is inevitable," said Kerry.

United States currently proposed solutions that could be negotiated to end the civil war that had lasted for 23 months and killed an estimated 70,000 people in Syria, said Kerry.

The purpose of the Act is the United States to avoid "splitting into two countries, Syria because it is very dangerous and can produce the most likely bad for all concerned."

In addition, Kerry indicated that Jordan would urge the United States, along with Russia, which is an ally of Syria, to put more pressure for Bashar to be willing to step down.

Moscow has been getting criticism for maintaining good relations with the regime of Bashar while fighting with guerrillas of the opposition groups. The country is also rumored to hold supplies weapons to the Government in Damascus.

"I still have hopes that Russia and the United States can find the similarity principle in this issue," Kerry said while adding that King Abdullah II of Jordan will visit Moscow.

Meanwhile, Judeh said that "the situation in Syria is currently untenable" and revealed that there had been "general agreement among the international community" about the need for a political dialogue.

"We need more ways and appropriate measures to bridge wide differences over setting a deadline for settlement of the conflict," he said.

"As such, we can conduct political dialogue that resulted in a solution that was agreed upon by all parties, namely the transition and completion of the violence," said Judeh.

A diplomat from Russia on Wednesday said that the Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem and leader of the opposition group National Coalition Moaz al-Khatib Ahmed will travel to Moscow separately in the next few weeks. (G005)

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Swiss siap untuk bantu pembicaraan nuklir Korut setelah uji coba

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siap untuk menanggapi setiap permintaan yang dapat berkontribusi pada upaya meningkatkan stabilitas dan perdamaian di semenanjung Korea.
Jenewa (ANTARA News) - Pemerintah Swiss mengatakan pihaknya siap untuk membantu upaya-upaya diplomatik guna mengakhiri program nuklir Korea Utara setelah sebelumnya mengutuk uji coba nuklir terbaru negeri yang terisolasi itu.

"Tes ini melanggar resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB, merupakan ancaman bagi perdamaian dan keamanan di wilayah tersebut serta bertentangan dengan upaya masyarakat internasional dalam hal non-proliferasi nuklir," kata Kementerian Luar Negeri Swiss dalam satu pernyataan.

Tetapi menambahkan: "Swiss yakin bahwa jalan keluar masalah nuklir semenanjung Korea dan keamanan hanya dapat ditemukan dalam kerangka proses negosiasi diplomatik."

Kementerian itu mengatakan Bern mendukung berlangsungnya perundingan enam negara mengenai denuklirisasi yang melibatkan dua Korea, China, Jepang, Rusia dan Amerika Serikat.

Swiss menyatakan "siap untuk menanggapi setiap permintaan yang dapat berkontribusi pada upaya meningkatkan stabilitas dan perdamaian di semenanjung Korea", katanya.

Korea Utara memiliki jalinan khusus dengan Swiss - karena pemimpin negara komunis itu, Kim Jong-Un, menghadiri sekolah menengah di dekat Bern, tanpa mengungkapkan identitas sebenarnya.


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Gubernur Ibu Kota Saudi wafat

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Riyadh (ANTARA News) - Gubernur Riyadh Pangeran Sattam bin Abdul Aziz, saudara dari raja Saudi, meninggal pada Selasa, kata kantor berita negara SPA melaporkan tanpa mengatakan apa yang menyebabkan kematiannya.

SPA mengutip pernyataan yang mengatakan bahwa Pangeran Sattam, yang dalam usia 70-an, akan dimakamkan di ibu kota Saudi pada Rabu.

Laporan singkat itu tidak memberikan rincian lain tentang mengapa dan di mana kematian itu terjadi.

Pangeran Sattam diangkat menjadi gubernur Riyadh setelah saudara tirinya, Pangeran Salman, ditunjuk sebagai menteri pertahanan pada Oktober 2011.

Pada Maret tahun lalu, dia memutuskan untuk mengizinkan pria lajang di Riyadh untuk mengunjungi pusat perbelanjaan saat jam sibuk, pembatasan yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi atau menghentikan pelecehan perempuan.

Di bawah aturan suksesi di Arab Saudi, kekuasaan berpindah dari saudara ke saudara, menghormati hukum hak kesulungan antara anak-anak dari pendiri kerajaan Abdul Aziz bin Saud.

Sattam merupakan salah satu anak yang paling tinggi profil dari keluarga Saud dan dianggap sebagai raja masa depan.

Usia Raja Abdullah II dan seringnya rawat inap kerap menyuarakan keprihatinan tentang kepemimpinan masa depan kerajaan Teluk ultra-konservatif itu, yang adalah pemain penting di Timur Tengah dan eksportir utama minyak.

Para pemerhati percaya bahwa semakin tuanya dinasti Al-Saud akan harus merenungkan dalam menyerahkan tongkat untuk generasi baru, cucu dari pendiri kerajaan, demikian AFP.


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Beijing again beware of high air pollution

Beijing (Reuters)-Beijing return reasonably high levels of air pollution, pascapesta Fireworks since the beginning of the Chinese new year celebrations since Saturday (9/2).

The City Government of Beijing on Wednesday, in his written statement said the level of air pollution in China's capital, urged its citizens to reduce the activities of Fireworks to reduce pollution levels in the region which is already very high.

Based tools monitor the level of air pollution on Wednesday afternoon, the number of levels of pollutants that are very dangerous to the PM2.5 mencai 200 to 250 micrograms per cubic meter of air.

"It's still an estimated Levels will increase," the statement of the Beijing environmental protection Monitoring Center.

Over the last few days, Beijing on Wednesday is a bit foggy. And a lack of wind led to a thick fog blanketed Beijing pollution.

"Therefore, the City Government has appealed to the entire asking citizens to reduce usage and Fireworks," added the Beijing City Government statement.

During the Chinese new year celebration, firecrackers and Fireworks is inseparable part. The day before the feast of the new year firecrackers and Fireworks have been flamed by every citizen of surroundings, respectively, to this day.

In Beijing, there are particular about 750 thousand kiosks fireworks during Chinese new year celebrations. Fireworks and firecrackers being sold a variety of shapes and size, there are even some the size of a tin of biscuits.

Reasonable, in addition to noise pollution because it ignited simultaneously, especially bersahut-sahutan the first day of Chinese new year, firecrackers and Fireworks also contributed to the levels of air pollution, in Beijing, which already is very high due to the rapid economic development of the use of fossil energy sources.

Therefore, the Chinese Government had restricted the use of firecrackers and fireworks in celebration of the Chinese new year 2013.

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Egypt women protest sexual violence

Illustration. (REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah)

... it is important for the President to Morsi take measures to end the culture of impunity is drastic and gender-based discrimination.
Cairo (Reuters)-protesters on Tuesday, Egypt again took to the streets to demand an end to sexual violence, along with a growing campaign against repeated attacks in downtown Cairo.

"The voice of women is a revolution," said the protesters--both men and women — who shouted while brandishing a large flag icons women Egypt.

At Tuesday's protest is the latest in a series of actions to an end to the culture of impunity that demands, following the horrific attack reports in and around Tahrir square.

The attack was a "weapon in the ongoing political war," said Mayar Abdel Aziz, who blamed "opponents of freedom" were behind them.

Sexual harassment has long been a problem in Egypt but recently the nature of the violence and frequency of attacks has increased so that the trigger guard.

"We're conditioned to be passive and not asking for our rights," before the revolution, said Abdel Aziz.

The protesters were also angry over the remarks of Assembly members over who blame women because of attacks on fishing themselves.

"Women sometimes provoke the rape upon herself by putting themselves in a position that makes them as the subject of rape," said Adel Afifi Salafi Deputies quoted by the local media.

Last week, the human rights watchdog Amnesty International issued a statement urging President Mohamed Morsi to take action in order to end the attacks.

"It's horrible, violent attacks against women including rape around Tahrir square shows that it is important for the President to Morsi take measures to end the culture of impunity is drastic and gender-based discrimination, and that all political leaders are talking," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director of Amnesty for the Middle East and North Africa.

AFP reported, at rallies in Cairo, women talked about the attacks that are "systematically".

"We are always experiencing harassment (in Egypt). But the new thing is that violence has become systematic, "said Asmaa Ali that led the group to combat that problem.

"Harassment is a polite Word. We need to call it sexual assault. even a rape has occurred in the field group Tahrir, "he said.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Europol internet swindlers capture network members

Currently we are not able to ascertain how much of the civilian population who are fooled by them, but we estimate the number of victims as much as hundreds of thousands of people.
Madrid (Reuters)-European anti crime Agency (Europol) managed to capture a group of members of the network of internet scams claiming to be anti-European criminal bodies when performing the action.

The Group was reported to have collected millions euros two years doing fraud action.

Fraud network mode that works in 30 countries that is to paralyze the computer with a virus and send messages that seem to come from the body such as Europol or anti criminal police to the owner of the targeted computer.

In the message, the owner of the computer is required to pay an amount of money if you want to access is restored.

"Currently we are not able to ascertain how much of the civilian population who are fooled by them, but we estimate the number of victims as much as hundreds of thousands of people," said Europol Director Rob Wainwright in a press conference in Madrid, Wednesday.

"If we assume that the average amount to be paid is 100 euros and as much as three percent of computer owners fooled by that message, then we estimate total losses reaching millions of euros," he said.

Wainwright himself claimed that his name has been used by a network of fraudsters to confuse internet users.

The Virus is known by the name of "Ransomware" and have mutated as much as 48 times to penetrate the defenses of anti-virus software.

The leader of a network of fraudsters is a 27 year old nation Russia and successfully arrested on last December in the United Arab Emirates, said Deputy Foreign Minister of Spain for security, Francisco Martinez, in equal opportunities.

Police arrested 10 members of the network in Spain in the last week in the southern region of Spain, Costa del Sol, which is popular with tourists.

Six of the detainees came from Russia, two from Ukraine and two other nation of Georgia. Most of them are in charge of conducting money-laundering and send the results to Russia.

While group leaders are responsible to develop the fraudster virus.


(ACT.G005/B/G005/C003) 14-02-2013 08: 01: 50

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DK PBB adakan pembicaraan darurat soal ledakan Korut

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PBB (ANTARA News) - Dewan Keamanan Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa pada Selasa mengadakan pembicaraan darurat mengenai uji coba bom nuklir ketiga Korea Utara dalam tujuh tahun.

Dewan 15-anggota diharapkan untuk menyetujui setidaknya pernyataan kecaman pada konsultasi tertutup pertama mengenai penyebaran baru krisis, kata para diplomat.

"Saya berharap akan ada lebih dari satu pernyataan," kata utusan PBB Prancis Gerard Araud saat memasuki pertemuan.

"Kami tentu berharap bahwa dewan akan dapat mengirim pesan yang jelas dari kecaman keras," kata Philip Parham, wakil duta besar Inggris untuk PBB kepada wartawan.

Bulan lalu, Dewan mengancam "tindakan yang signifikan" terhadap Korea Utara jika menggelar uji coba nuklir.

Korea Utara telah menghadapi sanksi ketat PBB atas uji coba senjata nuklirnya pada tahun 2006 dan 2009.

Korea Utara mengatakan, pihaknya berhasil melakukan uji coba sebuah bom "miniatur" dalam langkah menantang yang membawa pertunjukan langka kesatuan protes oleh lima anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan - Amerika Serikat, China, Rusia, Inggris dan Prancis.

China, sekutu terdekat Pyongyang, memanggil duta Korea Utara di Beijing untuk mengajukan protes.

Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov mengatakan ia berharap Dewan Keamanan mengambil tindakan. "Tindakan-tindakan tersebut adalah kecaman yang memadai," katanya dalam satu kunjungan ke Afrika Selatan.

Presiden AS Barack Obama menyerukan perlunya tindakan "cepat" dan "kredibel" internasional terhadap Korea Utara.

Para diplomat mengatakan bahwa meskipun ada tekanan kuat untuk sanksi, Dewan Keamanan kemungkinan akan menyetujui pernyataan pada Selasa dan kemudian dengan segera mulai menggarap mengenai resolusi pada sanksi.

Dewan Keamanan memerintahkan sanksi terhadap Korea Utara untuk dua uji coba sebelumnya, dan ini diperkuat bulan lalu karena negara itu meluncurkan roket pada 12 Desember.

Dewan Keamanan menambahkan badan ruang angkasa Korea Utara, satu bank, empat perusahaan perdagangan dan empat orang ke daftar sanksi yang ada.

China sepakat untuk menambah resolusi ancaman "tindakan yang signifikan" jika Korea Utara melakukan uji coba baru.

Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya akan mendesakkan tindakan cepat, kata para diplomat. Perlu waktu beberapa pekan bagi Dewan Keamanan untuk menyetujui pernyataan dan sanksi setelah uji coba 2006 dan 2009, dan penenggelaman kapal perang Korea Selatan oleh Korea Utara pada tahun 2010.

China melakukan upaya khusus untuk mencoba menghadang uji coba bom terbaru Korea Utara, kata seorang diplomat PBB yang telah mengambil bagian dalam konsultasi baru-baru ini.

"Orang-orang China memberi Korea Utara peringatan kuat terhadap pelaksanaan uji coba saat telah menjadi jelas bahwa hal itu sudah dekat," kata diplomat itu, yang tak bersedia disebut namanya.

"Apa yang Korea Utara lakukan sekarang adalah tantangan besar bagi China," tambah utusan itu.

Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon mengutuk uji coba bawah tanah itu sebagai "pelanggaran yang jelas dan menyeramkan" dari resolusi Dewan Keamanan dan satu "tindakan yang sangat membuat kekacauan" terhadap stabilitas regional, kata juru bicaranya. (AK)

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Nelson Mandela bicara bola dengan Presiden Zuma

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Mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan, Nelson Mandela. (REUTERS/Peter Morey/Photographic/Handout)

Johannesburg (ANTARA News) - Presiden Afrika Selatan Jacob Zuma, yang pada Minggu menjenguk Nelson Mandela, menyatakan ikon anti-apartheid itu sudah terlihat "nyaman dan santai" dan selama pertemuan mereka bicara tentang sepak bola Piala Afrika

"Dia memiliki senyum cemerlang dan sangat menarik berdiskusi dengan dia mengenai negara dan turnamen AFCON, "kata Zuma dalam pernyataan kantornya yang dikutip AFP.

Zuma singgah untuk menjenguk Mandela saat melakukan perjalanan untuk menyaksikan final sepakbola Piala Afrika (the Africa Cup of Nations/AFCON).

Mandela (94 tahun) berada di rumahnya di Johannesburg dan menjalani penyembuhan setelah dirawat 18 hari di rumah sakit akibat infeksi paru-paru dan operasi batu empedu pada Desember.

Presiden kulit hitam pertama Afrika Selatan yang memerintah pada periode 1994-1999 itu telah menghabiskan 27 tahun dari hidupnya di balik jeruji besi di bawah rezim apartheid.

Dia terakhir terlihat di depan umum pada tahun 2010 saat menghadiri upacara penutupan Piala Dunia di Johannesburg.


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The first Mufti of Egypt appointed through election of scholars

Cairo (Reuters)-the great Al Azhar Grand Sheikh Prof Dr Ahmed Al Tayeb on Monday presided over the election of a national who was a Mufti was first in the history of modern Egypt Rapture a passing vote of cleric mufti.

Prof Dr Mohammed Shawki Ibrahim Abdul Karim won the most votes as National Mufti replaces Prof. Dr. Sheikh Ali Goumah whose term of duty expires this month, says Prof. Tayeb.

Sheikh Ali Gouma had previously appointed by President Hosni Mubarak and then extended by one year by the High Military Council that came to power while when Mubarak resigned on February 11, 2011.

Election results will be presented to the cleric President Mohamed Moursi in order to set out in presidential decree as National Mufti for four years of service.

During this time, the Mufti appointed by Presidents usually without asking for consideration of the scholars.

"The appointment of Muftis by the selection of scholars is the positive impact of the revolution, January 25, 2011," said social observer, Mohamed Sabri.

Scholars who have voting rights in the determination of Mufri is a member of The Al Azhar Ulama or "Haiah Kibarul Al Azhar Cleric".

Before the election, the charismatic cleric was set a condition that the candidate was a Mufti Professor in the field of Islamic law, eloquently berbasa United Kingdom and knowledgeable as well as under the age of 60 years.

The position of Mufti of the National lead Institution and issuing fatwas or Darul Fatwa equal of Prime Minister give opinions or advice to the Government on religious issues, particularly Islam.

In addition to setting the major holidays of Islam such as Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the Mufti was also authorized to reject or approve any death sentence laid down the Court.

Sheikh Al-Shawki is currently Chairman of the Department of Comparative School at Al Azhar University branch of Tanta, 90 km north of Cairo. (/M043 M014)

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Germany Chancellor comments comments Pope resignation

Jakarta (Reuters)-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel said that she greatly appreciated the decision by Pope Benedict XVI to resign.

As reported by the Reuters, the reason the Pope resigned was because her condition started to weaken.

"If the Pope himself, after reflection, has concluded that he did not have the strength for the task, then I very much appreciate that decision," Merkel said in a short statement he in Berlin.

"He has made a very difficult decision," said Merkel.

Pope Benedict XVI named Joseph Ratzinger, native is a guy who comes from Germany. The Pope plans to resign on February 28 at 20: 00 local time.

News of the resignation of the Pope indeed shocked the world. The Pope said that he no longer has the mental and physically strong to bear the burden of the Government. With the resignation of Pope Benedict, then this will be the first papal resignation since the middle ages.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hamas launches its own news agency

Gaza City (AFP)--the Hamas Movement which controls the Gaza Strip launched its own news agency by the name of Al-Rai (opinion), so the Government of Hamas, announced Monday.

"The first official news agency the Government (of Hamas) has been formed under the name Al-Rai ... with supervision of the Office of Government information," said the Director of the Office that Salameh Maaruf told AFP.

"The news that will be a source of important information about government activities, press releases and letters from the Prime Minister (Gaza) Ismail Haniya," he said.

"The independent news agency in terms of personnel and administration, Office of information, however, the Government will be responsible for watching him," he added.

Al-Rai launched with initial power of 15 journalists who will "focus attention on the problem of Palestine, and the Arab News and international with respect to this issue," he said.

The news agency also will give the community the opportunity to propose a "suggestions and complaints" which will be submitted to government departments concerned.

Maaruf said, despite the Government's official policy line voiced, news agency it will also broadcast other vantage points, including from Fatah, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

A number of news agencies have been operating in the Gaza Strip, including SAFA launched in 2007 and which is close to Hamas. Fighters of the Palestinian hardline group that also owns the Al-Aqsa TV in Gaza.

WAFA, the official news agency for the Palestinian Government led by Abbas, based in the West Bank and Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), celebrates the 40th year anniversary in the past year.

WAFA offices in Gaza shut down by Hamas in 2007, when the movement took control of the coastal territory.

The Hamas group took control of Gaza Strip in June 2007 after defeating Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas in deadly combat for several days.

Since then the impoverished coastal territory dibloklade by Israel. The Palestinians also became two separate Union territory--the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the West Bank that is under the rule of Abbas. Now that the two camps have been doing reconciliation.

The European Union, Israel and the United States put Hamas to its list of terrorist organizations. (M014)

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Partai Presiden Tunisia keluar dari koalisi

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Tunis (ANTARA News) - Partai Kongres Tunisia bagi Republik (CPR) memutuskan untuk keluar dari koalisi pimpinan Partai Islam, Ennahdha, sebagai reaksi atas caranya menangani krisis baru-baru di negeri tersebut, yang dipicu oleh pembunuhan seorang pemimpin oposisi.

Pemimpin CPR Chokri Yacoub sebagaimana dikutip kantor berita Tunisia TAP mengatakan partainya, partai Presiden Tunisia Moncef Marzouki, berencana mengadakan taklimat pada Senin untuk secara resmi mengumumkan keputusannya.

Lima anggota CPR di dalam pemerintah--tiga menteri dan dua sekretaris negara--akan terus memangku jabatan guna menghindari kevakuman pemerintahan.

Ketika ditanya mengenai sikap CPR tentang usul Perdana Menteri Hamadi Jebali guna membentuk pemerintah teknokrat, Yacoub mengatakan partainya akan mendukung usul itu jika usul tersebut diajukan ke Majelis Konstituen Nasional.

Jebali pada Rabu (6/2) mengumumkan rencananya untuk membentuk pemerintah baru kaum teknokrat guna memimpin negeri itu sampai pemilihan umum sementara terbunuhnya pemimpin oposisi tersebut memicu protes luas di negara Afrika Utara itu.

Pembunuhan terhadap Chokri Belaid, pemimpin Front Rakyat dan seorang pengeritik vokal, memicu protes marah di Tunis dan Kota Kecil Sidi Bouzid dibagian selatan negeri tersebut.

Beberapa jam setelah berita tentang kematian Belaid, ribuan orang Tunisia berkumpul di jalan raya utama di ibu kota negeri itu untuk mencela pembunuhan berlatar-belakang politik tersebut. Mereka juga menuntut pembubaran pemerintah saat ini. Polisi menggunakan gas air mata untuk membubarkan mereka.

Tak seorang pun mengaku bertanggungjawab atas pembunuhan itu.

Kementerian Dalam Negeri Tunisia, Rabu, menyatakan seorang polisi Tunisia tewas dalam bentrokan di Ibu Kota Negeri tersebut, Tunis. Ditambahkannya, pemrotes juga menjarah beberapa toko.

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Mali troops clear the market fearing attack Gao

Gao, Mali (Reuters)-Mali Troops Monday to clear the main market in Gao for fear there will be attacks, after the northern city was rocked by three days of this suicide bombing attacks and firing by the militants.

"We are concerned about the attack, because that is our clear market Gao for security reasons," said a high-ranking officer, reported AFP.

Traders packed up their belongings and left the Washington Market, which is near the central police station that was used as a base by armed militants to launch guerrilla attacks into the city on Sunday.

France-attack helicopters destroyed a police station in an attack on Monday morning.

The surrounding area is closed by the security forces and the army of France clears mines in the area.

Sporadic gun shots shots were heard in the northern part of the city.

Some medical sources and the military said at least two hard-line militants and three civilians were killed in the fighting Sunday, and 17 others injured.

"We received 15 patients with gunshot wounds, all of them civilians," said Fatoumata Kanté Doctor in the emergency room.

Two soldiers were lightly injured, said a Malian officer.

Oneness and Jihad movement in West Africa (MUJAO), one of the groups that dominate northern Mali before being driven off by the intervention of France that was launched on 11 January, claimed responsibility for the attack in the city and threatened to launch more attacks.

France-led forces recaptured Gao on 26 January from Al Qaida linked militants who ruled the region of northern Mali for 10 months after a military coup.

France, which is working with the military of Mali, on January 11, launched operation when militants threaten advanced to the capital of Mali, Bamako, after months of doubt about the African intervention forces to help drive out hard-line groups from the northern region.

Mali, who had become one of stable democracies in Africa, experienced the uncertainty after the coup d ' état in March 2012 overthrow the Government of President Amadou Toumani Toure.

The international community is worried that country will become the new hotbed of terrorists and they support the efforts of Africa to intervene militarily.

The United Nations has approved the placement of the African intervention force consisting of about 3300 soldiers under the auspices of the ECOWAS grouping of West African States. With the involvement of Chad, which has pledged 2,000 soldiers, means the number of intervention forces that would be much greater.

Hard-line groups, which said the experts acting under the umbrella of Al Qaida in Islamic Morocco (AQIM), dominate the North, Mali to the extent greater than that of France, since April last year.

Tribal rebels in mid-January 2012 launched more war decades for the independence of the Tuareg in the northern region they claim as their land, reinforced by heavily armed guerrillas who recently returned from Libya. However, their struggle was then hijacked by hard-line muslim groups.

Disgruntled army coup in March meant to give the military more authority in order to quell a revolt in the North, but it in fact backfire and the rebels took control of three major cities in the North of Mali within three days. (M014)

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Tiga WNI tewas di Canary Islands

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Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Tiga warga negara Indonesia tewas dalam kecelakaan latihan penanganan keadaan darurat di suatu kapal pesiar di Canary Island, Minggu.

Seluruh korban yaitu 3 WNI, seorang Filipina, dan seorang Ghana adalah awak kapal pesiar tersebut.

Kantor berita Reuters mengutip  kepolisian dan awak lainnya yang menyebut tali-tali lepas dari  sekoci penyelamat sehingga perahu itu jatuh dari ketinggian 20 meter ke laut dalam keadaan terbalik.

Peristiwa itu terjadi saat latihan penyelamatan di atas kapal pesiar Thomson Majesty. Kapal tersebut dioperasikan TUI Travel plc, perusahaan travel Inggris.

Saat kejadian, Thomson Majesty sedang sandar di pelabuhan Santa cruz, ibu kota pulau La Palma.

Kapal berusia 20 tahun itu sedang membawa 1.498 penumpang.Tidak ada penumpang yang cedera dalam kecelakaan tersebut. Thomson Majesty terdaftar di Malta dan dimiliki oleh Louis Cruises yang bermarkas di Siprus.

"Kami bekerjasama dengan pemilik kapal dan manajer, Louis Cruises, untuk mengetahui penyebab pasti dan menyediakan diri bagi mereka yang kena dampak kecelakaan," tulis pernyataan Thomson Cruises.

Reuters menyebut kecelakaan itu menelan korban jiwa tiga WNI, seorang warga Filipina dan seorang warga Ghana.Terdapat juga tiga lainnya yang luka-luka.

Situs Thomson menyebutkan Thomson Majesty yang dilengkapi lima restoran dan dua kolam renang sedang dalam perjalanan ke Canary Islands, Mediterrania dan Laut Merah.


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Kurdish demonstrators were killed by their own granatnya in Southeast Turkey

Diyarbakir, Turkey (Reuters)-A 19-year old Kurdish man was killed Sunday when a late night grenade exploded in his hand during Assembly demonstration in southeastern Turkey, which has a Kurdish majority, said local authorities on Monday.

The man was among 100 protesters who gathered in the city of Diyarbakir to protest ahead of the commemoration of the anniversary of the arrest of the Kurdish leader 14, Abdullah Ocalan, in Kenya on February 15, the AFP report.

He was preparing to throw the grenade the police when the gun went off in his hand, said Diyarbakir's Governor Mustafa Toprak, was quoted as saying the Government television channel TRT.

"He also suffered wounds in his ear, which makes us think that the grenade exploded when he was trying to throw it," said Toprak.

However, a number of witnesses who cited the network of pro-Kurdish Firat News said, the man was hit by a police armored vehicle during the protests.

"I don't see it brings something in his hand. But (the police) vehicles were speeding down the road, melindasnya, "said a shop owner who witnessed the events.

The investigation about the death of these men will continue to be done, the Governor said.

Ocalan, who was then a fugitive arrested in Kenya on February 15, 1999 in a secret operation Turkey after he was exiled from Syria, where he was based for a decade to organize the workers ' Party of Kurdistan (PKK).

The initial verdict against Ocalan death sentence converted to life imprisonment sentence on a prison island off the coast of Istanbul since 2002.

Each year the Kurdish demonstrators clashed with police to protest Turkey's arrest of their leader.

Turkey, the EU and the u.s. considers the Kurdistan Workers ' Party (PKK) as a terrorist organization.

Turkey's military launched air attacks and ground operations are limited to the northern Iraq since August 2011 following the wave of attacks, the PKK guerrillas after the traffic-jammed a ceasefire before.

The PKK launched attacks from their hiding places in the remote mountains of Iraq as part of their war to gain greater rights and autonomy for the Kurdish population.

More than 40,000 people have died since the PKK took up arms in 1984. (M014)

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WHO: new cases of infection confirmed in United Kingdom koronavirus

Geneva (Reuters)-the United Kingdom has confirmed to the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning one case of infection of a new virus from the same family in a patient with SARS, bringing the total confirmed cases so 10, says the WHO, Friday (11/2).

These patients, United Kingdom citizens who recently traveled to the Middle East and Pakistan, received intensive care at a hospital in Manchester, United Kingdom.

Cases of transmission of the new virus is most recently known as the koronavirus make the number of confirmed cases globally so 10, five of them died.

"The new Case does demonstrate that the virus continues to spread," the WHO said, Xinhua reported. "The WHO is urging all Member States to continue to conduct surveillance for respiratory tract infections very acute (of SARS) and carefully examine each patient with unusual symptoms."

The world body is suggested all countries to examine anyone who is suffering from pneumonia, which could not be explained to check the possibility of transmission of the virus.

The WHO declared the end of a palign infection "sporadic cases" and does not change the assessment of the risk.

Koronavirus are a family of viruses that include a variety of viruses that cause fever and SARS.

SARS emerged in China in 2002 and killed as many as a tenth of the 8,000 patients who attack around the world.

The symptoms of the disease include respiratory tract sakita, fever, and breathing difficulties.

The WHO said the new patients stricken with some symptoms on 26 January. A series of laboratory examination of respiratory specimens showed these patients had been ill with swine flu and H1N1 Novel SARS-causing Coronavirus infection (NCoV), which confirmed, Reuters said.

NCoV identified when the WHO issued a warning to international alert in September 2012 and declare a virus previously unknown in humans has struck a man who not long ago Qatar had paid a visit to Saudi Arabia.

United Kingdom Health Protection Agency (HPA) said among the 10 laboratory confirmed cases, five have been to Saudi Arabia, three died; two in Jordan, where the two patients died; and one in Germany in patients from Qatar which has since been allowed home from medical treatment center.

But on Monday the WHO back State at this stage does not need to be issued travel restrictions or trade, or any specific examination at border posts. (C003)

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Obama usulkan pengurangan drastis senjata nuklir

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Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama, mengambil sumpah di kantornya dengan Ibu Negara, Michelle Obama, memegang Injil dalam upacara pengambilan sumpah di Gedung Putih, Washington, Minggu (20/1). (REUTERS/Doug Mills/Pool)

... para pejabat Gedung Putih sedang mencermati, angka itu hingga 1.000... "
Washington (ANTARA News) - Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama, akan memanfaatkan pidato kenegaraannya, Selasa besok, menyerukan pengurangan drastis persenjataan nuklir di seluruh dunia, kata The New York Times, Minggu malam.

Mengutip pejabat pemerintah yang tidak disebutkan namanya, surat kabar itu mengatakan, pada beberapa bulan terakhir Obama telah mengamankan kesepakatan dengan militer bahwa kekuatan nuklirnya dapat dikurangi sampai sekitar sepertiga dari jumlah saat ini.

Dalam pidatonya, Obama tampaknya tidak mungkin menyebut jumlah persis pengurangan itu, tetapi para pejabat Gedung Putih sedang mencermati, angka itu hingga 1.000.
Saat ini, Amerika Serikat memiliki sekitar 1.700 senjata nuklir, dan perjanjian pengurangan senjata strategis baru dengan Rusia --START Baru-- yang disepakati Senat pada akhir 2009 mengimbau untuk batas sekitar 1.550 pada 2018.

Namun Obama "percaya bahwa kita dapat membuat pengurangan yang cukup radikal - dan menyimpan banyak uang - tanpa mengorbankan keamanan Amerika dalam periode kedua pemerintahannya. (*)


Editor: Ade Marboen


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Pakistani Taliban forbid the sale of vulgar movies and viagra

Peshawar (Reuters)-Pakistani Taliban have warned a number of shop owners in a popular market in order to stop the sale of "obscene films" and strong male drug, Viagra.

Shopkeeper said Monday that they found handwritten pamphlet which contains warnings on Saturday, in a market on the outskirts of Karkhano Northwest of Peshawar.

"Selling sex drugs, vulgar and obscene movie films against Sharia law," said a copy of the pamphlet that was distributed under the name Tehreek-e-Taliban Khyber.

"They are all involved in this business are warned to stop this job and start a business lawful or face the consequences," he said, as reported by AFP.

Those who received a letter of threat talk in anonymous condition for fear of Taliban retaliation.

Scores of shops openly sell Karkhano pornographic films and powerful medicine man, according to witnesses.

The markets were located Khyber tribal district border, where fighting has recently increased in prolonged operation against the Taliban and the Pakistani military with other guerrillas on the border of Afghanistan.

Keepers of shops selling music and movies throughout the Northwest are routinely threatened, where hundreds of DVD and CD shops have been bombed in the past by militants who consider their business is not Islamic.

At least 10 people were killed and 26 injured Thursday when a bomb exploded near a store in the DVD as Kalaya, the main town of tribal district of Orakzai.


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Suicide bombing kills eight people in northern Iraq

Mosul, Iraq (Reuters)-a suicide car bomb Attack killed eight people at a military checkpoint in the northern city of Mosul, Iraq, Monday, said police and hospital sources.

The attack, which took place in Mosul, 390 kilometers north of Baghdad, also wounding eight people, including six soldiers, Reuters reported.

"An explosion that destroys everything. It seems like there isn't anything here before the explosion, "said a policeman at the scene who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

There is no party that claimed responsibility for the attack, but Sunni guerrillas often launch such attacks in an attempt to destabilize the Government and encourage the return of sectarian violence like in 2005-2008.

The bombing showed an increase in attacks in the midst of a political crisis between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his Government partners and protest marches over the past few weeks demanding his resignation.

Iraq is engulfed in political chaos and violence that killed thousands of people since u.s. forces completed a withdrawal from the country on 18 December 2011, leaving security responsibilities to Iraq troops.

In addition to having problems with the Kurds, Iraq's Government is also at odds with Sunni groups.

Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (Shiite) since December 2011 sought the arrest of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on charges of terrorism and attempting to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-absolute. Both are Sunni leaders.

The scholars warn that Maliki is encouraging sectarian divisions, and protestors gathered in the streets of Iraq by carrying banners in support of the Government and criticized Hashemi.

Iraq officials issued an arrest warrant for Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on December 19, 2011 after they gain recognition that connect him with terrorist activity.

Dozens of guards of Hashemi, a Sunni Arab leader, was arrested in a few weeks after the announcement, but it is not clear how many people were now on hold.

Hashemi, who denied the allegations, was hiding in the Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq, and Kurdish leaders refused to pass them to Baghdad.

The Kurdish government even allowed the regional visit to Hashemi did Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. (M014)

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France: Paris talks centered on security of Libya


Despite the goodwill and talent of its leaders, there is not enough security in Libya. "
Paris (Reuters)-France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on Sunday said talks with Libya antarpejabat high Western diplomats in Paris this week will be centered on security issues following the overthrow of Moamar Gaddafi.

"Despite the goodwill and talent of its leaders, there is not enough security in Libya," Fabius said on BFM Television ahead of the talks on Tuesday, reported AFP.

"Meeting on Tuesday aiming to help them control their borders, to give them support in order to prevent the arms moving in all directions," he said.

Fabius will join in the talks along with the Abkhaz from Libya, Mohamed Abdulaziz, the Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Turkey and Malta as well as high officials from Libya.

Senior diplomats from other countries will also take part. The Conference will be followed by the visit of the Prime Minister of Libya Ali Zeidan to Paris, Wednesday, to meet with President Francois Hollande.

Efforts to revive the economy will also be discussed, Libya when Libya some Ministers met on Monday evening with the head of France's business.

Diplomatic sources said the talks were a result of serious concerns over the security of Libya, including a flood of weapons from storage places Gaddafi across the region since the collapse of the regime's leaders.

"The bad news is that there is a real security risk in Libya, the good news is that Libya is not in denial. They want us to offer solutions on them, "said one diplomatic source.

The guerrillas who ruled Mali last year was one of a number of parties are believed to benefit from looting the Armory Gaddafi. (G003/B002)

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The Senate is expected to approve the U.S. Secretary of Defense Hagel

Washington (Reuters)-Democratic leaders in the Senate of the United States moving ahead with plans for conducting Monday's voting for the inaugural Chuck Hagel as Defense Minister.

That movement will pave the way for Hagel became the head of the Pentagon's new leadership under President Barack Obama despite there is opposition from some members of the Senate from the Republican party, Reuters reported.

Sen. Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, said he will ask the Committee to conduct the vote in the trial that is scheduled to take place Tuesday at 14.30 local time.

The candidacy of Hagel as Defense Minister must first get approval from the Committee before it is then considered by the Senate as a whole.

The Committee controlled by Democrats--with 14 seats compared to the 12 original members occupied the Republic--is expected to approve the candidacy of Hagel.

Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, said that he estimated that the discussion at the level of the Senate reserved the candidacy of Hagel will already be completed Thursday, and pave the way for actual voting.

The Democrats controlled the Senate majority with 55-45 that position is estimated to be approval Hagel became Minister of Defense.

"We hope that Wednesday or Thursday and we've been able to resolve the issue of the candidacy of Hagel," said Reid.

Hagel (66 years), which is a member of the Republican Party and was a senator representing Nebraska, before becoming a target of criticism from his party's senators spicy on its own.

They launched a question about whether Hagel supported Israel and tough enough against Iran.

Hagel in front panel recognition of the armed forces in the deliberations of the Council on 31 January and then reserved his candidacy also other criticism.

In fact, a number of members of the democratic origin says Hagel looks not ready and it looks doubtful when it gets aggressive questions from members of the original Committee Republican.

Supporters of Hagel, who has a conviction that Hagel will succeed Leon Panetta at the Defense Department, called the delay and the threat of Republican strongholds to prevent voting for the candidacy of Hagel as a political stance that threatens national security.

"We are very confident that ... Sen. Hagel will be confirmed as the next Secretary of Defense, "said White House spokesman Jay Carney in a news conference Monday.

There is no Democratic members who do not support the Hagel, and at least two members of the original Republican Senator Thad Cochran--from Mississippi and Mike Johanns, currently occupying the Nebraska Senate seat left by Hagel--have said that they will vote support for Hagel.

A number of other Republican members said they would not support the use of any procedural mechanism will force Democrats gathered the 60 votes to establish the candidacy of Hagel. (T008/A/C003)

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Iran coba bangun gerilyawan di Suriah

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Ilustrasi - Peta Suriah (ANTARA News/Lukisatrio)

Ini adalah operasi besar. Tujuan langsungnya tampak untuk mendukung rezim Suriah. Tapi itu penting bagi Iran untuk memiliki kekuatan di Suriah yang handal dan dapat diandalkan.
Washington (ANTARA News) - Iran dan sekutunya yang berbasis di Lebanon, Hizbullah, mencoba untuk membangun jaringan milisi di dalam wilayah Suriah untuk melindungi kepentingan mereka jika Presiden Bashar al-Assad jatuh, menurut laporan The Washington Post, Minggu malam.

Mengutip sumber pejabat dari Amerika Serikat dan Timur Tengah yang tidak disebutkan namanya, surat kabar itu mengatakan tujuan Iran tampaknya memiliki operasi yang dapat diandalkan di Suriah jika terjadi kasus perpecahan di negara itu menjadi kantong-kantong etnis dan sektarian.

Iran mengaku mendukung sekitar 50 ribu gerilyawan di Suriah. Upaya untuk menemukan solusi politik bagi konflik yang telah berlangsung hampir dua tahun lamanya dan menewaskan lebih dari 60 ribu orang itu tampaknya menemui jalan buntu.

"Ini adalah operasi besar. Tujuan langsungnya tampak untuk mendukung rezim Suriah. Tapi itu penting bagi Iran untuk memiliki kekuatan di Suriah yang handal dan dapat diandalkan, " harian itu mengutip pejabat pemerintah senior Amerika Serikat.

The Washington Post mengutip seorang pejabat senior Arab yang mengatakan bahwa strategi Iran di Suriah memiliki dua jalur. "Salah satunya adalah untuk mendukung Assad tetap di puncak, yang lain adalah untuk mengatur bila terjadi kerusakan besar jika Assad runtuh," kata pejabat itu.

Sekutu Teheran di Suriah termasuk komunitas Syiah dan Alawit yang terkonsentrasi di provinsi dekat perbatasan Suriah dengan Lebanon dan di pelabuhan penting kota Latakia, kata surat kabar itu. Kantong ini akan sangat bergantung pada Iran untuk bertahan hidup dan membantu mereka mempertahankan hubungan dengan Hizbullah, kata surat kabar itu.

Berdasarkan skenario yang paling mungkin, maka sisa-sisa pemerintahan Bashar -- dengan atau tanpa Bashar - akan berusaha untuk membangun hubungan erat dengan Teheran, menurut The Washington Post.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Sanksi Barat atas Iran beri dampak remeh

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AppId is over the quota
Fasilitas pengayaan uranium di Isfahan, Iran. Pengolahan urania di fasilitas ini dicurigai menjadi bagian program rahasia pengembangan senjata nuklir. (

... sanksi atas Iran adalah tindakan sia-sia... "
Teheran (ANTARA News) - Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri Iran Urusan Eropa dan Amerika Serikat, Ali-Asghar Khaji, Sabtu (9/2), meremehkan dampak sanksi Barat terhadap Republik Islam itu. Uni Eropa bersama Amerika Serikat menerapkan sanksi ekonomi kepada Iran terkait program nuklirnya.  "Pemberlakuan sanksi atas Iran adalah tindakan sia-sia", dan waktu bagi pemberlakuan sanksi ekonomi untuk membuat negara lain bertekuk lutut sudah berlalu, kata Khaji, sebagaimana dikutip Press TV.Salah satu propaganda yang sering dinyatakan pejabat-pejabat Iran adalah embargo terhadap negara berbahasa Parsi itu itu lebih merugikan semua negara pemberi sanksi. Hal ini masih terus dikaji.

Pada Rabu (6/2), Washington memperluas sanksi AS atas Iran dengan memperketat tindakan ekonomi terhadap Republik Islam tersebut dan menambahkan nama lain ke dalam daftar hitamnya.

Iran berkeras mengenai sifat damai program nuklirnya, sementara Barat menganggap program itu sebagai kedok untuk membuat senjata nuklir.


Editor: Ade Marboen


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Tiga dokter China dibunuh di Nigeria

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Kano, Nigeria (ANTARA News) - Kelompok bersenjata membunuh tiga dokter China dalam serangan sebelum subuh, Minggu, di kota Potiskum, Nigeria timur laut.

"Penyerang itu naik pagar rumah susun di Potiskum, tempat tinggal tiga dokter China tersebut, sekitar pukul 01.00 waktu setempat dan memotong leher mereka. Belum ada penahanan terhadap tersangka," kata kepala kepolisian negara bagian Yobe, Komisaris Sanusi Rufa`i, kepada AFP.

Penduduk mengatakan para dokter China itu bertugas di Kementerian Kesehatan dan telah tinggal di kota itu selama satu tahun.

Rufa`i tidak mengatakan apakah kelompok garis keras Boko Haram yang aktif di Potiskum, sekitar 100km dari ibu kota negara bagian itu Damaturu, bertanggung jawab atas serangan itu.

"Masih terlalu dini untuk menuduh tetapi kami harus melakukan penyelidikan untuk mengungkapkan pembunuhan-pembunuhan itu," katanya.

Seorang penduduk lokal mengatakan mayat-mayat dari tiga dokter China itu ditemukan di kamar mereka Minggu pagi oleh para tetangga yang secara paksa membuka pintu tempat mereka tinggal.

"Pagi ini, ditemukan tiga dokter China dibunuh. Orang menjadi curiga ketika para dokter tidak membuka pintu kamar mereka pada pagi itu," kata seorang penduduk yang tidak bersedia disebutkan namanya, kepada AFP.

Ini adalah peristiwa pembunuhan terbaru terhadap warga China dalam beberapa bulan terakhir di daerah utaraPembunuhan tersebut adalah

Pembunuhan itu adalah kasus terbaru terhadap para warga China dalam bulan-bulan belakangan ini di bagian timur laut negara tersebut.


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Sembilan tewas tersapu badai salju Amerika Serikat

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AppId is over the quota
Salju menutupi daratan sepanjang Highway 12 menuju Rochester, Washington, Kamis (19/1). Badai Pasifik menyelimuti Seattle dan menyebabkan lapisan salju setebal 4 inci, Rabu kemarin, memaksa sekolah untuk tutup dan pembatalan penerbangan serta membuat ruwet lalulintas di kota yang lebih terbiasa dengan cuaca hujan daripada salju. (REUTERS/Cliff DesPeaux)

... kecepatan angin mencapai 134 km perjam di Cuttyhunk, New York... "
Boston/New York (ANTARA News) - Badai salju melanda Amerika Serikat bagian timurlaut pada Sabtu, memutuskan aliran listrik bagi 700.000 rumah dan perusahaan menghentikan perjalanan serta menyebabkan setidak-tidaknya sembilan orang tewas.

Badai kuat melanda dari Great Lakes hingga Atlantik itu meninggalkan salju setebal 90 cm di seluruh daerah Northeast, kata Badan Cuaca Nasional (NWS).

Badai salju melanda pantai dan peringatan banjir diberlakukan, tetapi Massachussetts dan Connecticut mencabut larangan berpergian dengan kendaraan sementara badai secara perlahan bergerak ke arah timur Sabtu petang.

Di Stratford, Connecticut, Wali Kota John Harkins, mengatakan ia tidak pernah melihat salju yang setebal 15 cm seperti itu. Badai salju itu menghantam Connecticut, Rhode Island, dan Massachusetts, dengan ketebalan salju paling tinggi 102 cm di Hamden, Connecticut.

"Sekitar 2.200 penerbangan dibatalkan Sabtu, dengan jumlah seluruhnya lebih dari 5.000 penerbangan dalam dua hari," kata FlightAware, yang memantau penundaan penerbangan. Beberapa ratus pembatalan mungkin terjadi pada Ahad, katanya.

Bandara Internasional Logan, Boston dan Bandara Internasional Bradley di Windsor Locks, Connecticut ditutup. Logan yang dihantam sajlu setebal 56 cm, diperkirakan akan dibuka kembali setidaknya sebagian pada Sabtu.

Badai nenimbulkan saju 74 cm di Portland, Maine mematahkan rekor 1979 kata badan cuaca itu. Catatan kecepatan angin mencapai 134 km perjam di Cuttyhunk, New York, menyebabkan pohon-pohon tumbang di seluruh daerah itu.

"Badai salju itu menyebabkan paling tidak lima orang tewas di Connecticut," kata Gubernur Connecticut, Danel Malloy.

Seorang wanita berusia 80 tahun tewas akibat sopir yang membawa kendaraan ugal-ugalan, dan seorang pria berusia 40 tahun ambruk ketika berusaha membuang salju dengan menggunakan sekop. Seorang pria berusia 73 tahun tergelincir dari rumahnya dan ditemukan tewas Sabtu, kata Malloy.

Seorang pria berusia 53 tahun ditemukan tewas dalam salju Sabtu pagi di luar rumahnya, dan seorang pria berusia 49 tahun meninggal ketika membuang salju dengan menggunakan sekop di Shelton, kata polisi.

Dua orang tewas akibat keracunan karbon monoksida dalam kejadian terpisah di Boston. Seorang korban anak laki-laki berusia 11 tahun di dalam mobilnya. "Seorang korban lain adalah pria berusia 20 tahunan yang ditemukan tidak bergerak di mobilnya," kata polisi.

Di Poughkeeppsie, New York, seorang pria berusia 70-tahunan tewas di jalan raya yang bersalju , kata media lokal. Seorang pria 23 tahun tewas di Germantown, New York, ketika traktor yang ia gunakan tergelincir memasuki satu tanggul, kata media lokal.

Seorang pengendara berusia 30 tahun di New Hampshire tewas ketika mobilnya ke luar dari jalan, kata pihak berwenang negara bagian itu. Polisi di daerah Suffolk,  New York, menggunakan mobil-mobi salju menyelamatkan ratusan pengguna kendaraan bermotor.

Salju, di beberaoa daerah, menjadi badai salju diperkirakan akan melanda daerah-daerah Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, dan Wyoming, kata Badan Cuaca Nasional.

Perusahaan publik melaporkan sekitar 700.000 pelanggannya tidak menerima aliran listik di seluruh sembian negara bagian akibat badai saju menumbangkan pohon-pohon dan tiang-tiang listrik.

Di Boston, satu pertandingan Liga Hoki Nasional menurut rencana diselenggaraan Sabtu antara klub Tampa Bay Lightning dan Boston Bruins dibatalkan akibat badai salju itu.

Massachusetts, Rhode Island,Connecticut, New York, dan Maine, mengumumkan keadaan darurat sebelum badai salju itu. Badan Pos AS menghentikan pengiriman surat di daerah-daerah dari lima negara bagian itu plus New Hampshire dan Vermont.


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The explosion in Damascus, the lukai some people

the bomb exploded in the path of Arnous in Damascus.
Damascus (Reuters)-an explosive hidden under a car exploded on Sunday (10/2) of one road in the Centre of the capital of Syria, Damascus, and hurt a lot of people, so the official Syria news agency report, there.

THERE the bomb was exploded in reporting The Arnous at Damascus middle, and added the explosions make many people injured but no fatalities.

In other districts of Damascus, a suicide bomber wearing a belt containing explosives blew herself up in the Rukkin Addien, and wounding four people, said THERE as quoted Xinhua--Afp, monitored here on Monday morning.

Meanwhile, an opposition group based in the United Kingdom--Syria Observatory for human rights said clashes raged again on Sunday on the edge of Damascus, Jobar. Clashes also took place in Daraya, Zamalka and Qaboun--who three times hit by air strikes.

The clash in the eastern suburbs of Damascus has raged since last week, when the guerrillas launched an attack in order to extinguish the resolve of Government soldiers--are still firmly controlled the capital city of Syria.

On Saturday, two people were killed when a bomb exploded on the outskirts of the capital of Syria, Damascus, according to local media reports. The bomb exploded in the field As-Suyouf in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, Jaramana, says pro-Government radio Sham FM. as many as four more people were also injured, he said.

Bombings have become a daily occurrence throughout Syria, which has been hit by the prolonged conflict.

As many as 5,000 residents to leave their country Syria every day, to find a safe haven in neighboring countries, said the UN refugee agency, Friday.

Since the conflict erupted two years ago, more than 787.000 people registered as refugees or Syria is waiting for the process in the region--particularly in Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey, he said.

Clean water shortage worsened and the supply sometimes contaminated in the Arab countries, so the kids are exposed to disease-prone, says the UNITED NATIONS Fund for children (UNICEF), Friday.

The citizens of Syria also has begun to trouble to obtain the drug as a result of the sanctions imposed on their country's West. Most States lack drug sellers will be even worse due to the presence of a non-quick and decent resolution to restart the drug factory operations, most of which are located in the province of Aleppo, northern Syria, and Rif Damascus.

Health Minister Saad Nayef Al-Syria has said economic sanctions imposed on Syria is very detrimental to the country's health sector.

He revealed the 32 hospitals nationwide are now defunct, and six pharmaceutical laboratories have been damaged and 68 more total is still operating with a capacity of 50 percent.

But he denied reports about the presence of many drugs are in the local market, and only hinted at the existence of difficulties for carrying drugs.


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Serangan granat di pesta dansa lukai 14 warga Kamboja

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AppId is over the quota
Ilustrasi (FOTO ANTARA/Nyoman Budhiana)

Kami sedang menyelidiki kasus tersebut untuk menangkap pelaku
Phnom Penh (ANTARA News) - Seorang pria melemparkan granat ke sebuah pesta dansa yang digelar di bagian barat laut Kamboja, pada Sabtu malam, mengakibatkan setidaknya 14 warga terluka.

Peristiwa itu terjadi pada pukul 21.15 waktu setempat di desa Takrey, Kabupaten Kamrieng, Provinsi Battambang, sekitar 300 kilometer barat laut Phnom Penh, ibu kota Kamboja, kata Jenderal Por Vannak, kepala polisi militer provinsi itu.

"Mereka semua warga desa menari untuk merayakan Tahun Baru China Imlek ketika seorang penyerang tak dikenal melemparkan granat ke tempat menari," katanya kepada Xinhua melalui telepon.

"Kemudian meledak dan melukai 14 orang. Tiga dari mereka dalam kondisi kritis."

Para korban dikirim ke rumah sakit setelah insiden tersebut.

Polisi menduga bahwa keributan selama menari berada di balik serangan itu.

"Itu bukan terorisme, konflik di antara penari dicurigai berada di balik serangan itu. Kami sedang menyelidiki kasus tersebut untuk menangkap pelaku guna mendapatkan sanksi hukum," katanya.


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