Saturday, October 29, 2011

Activists occupy Belo Monte dam

27 October 2011 booth 23: 22 GMT Caiapo indigenous men demonstrating on the road leading to the construction site of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam indigenous groups have hundreds of activists protesting against the project for years of the Belo Monte dam project in the Brazilian Amazon site have.

Challenge, that the work on the multi billion dollar dam be stopped, because it would displace thousands of indigenous people and the environment damage.

The protesters, many of them members of indigenous groups, said that she would remain indefinitely at the site.

The Government says that the project for the energy needs of vital importance.

Indian missionary Council, an organization supported by the Catholic Church, said that more than 600 Indians, fishermen and indigenous had occupied it the site, and the road.

A spokesman for the Council said the news agency AFP, the occupation was peaceful and there were no cases.

The indigenous groups to negotiate with representatives, which they say, the Council requested that send Government, would suffer from the building of the dam.

"In view of the intransigence of the Government and its insistence on ignoring us, we now occupy the Belo Monte construction website and block access to the motorway Transamazon" Council stated on his website.

The BBC's Paulo Cabral in São Paulo says local judge said to leave the protesters or a $300 (£ 185) daily fine himself.


Construction of the dam was halted last month after a judge ruled, however, for reasons of environmental protection, but the construction of accommodation blocks for the project could workers continue to.

Judge Carlos Castro Martins ruled out any work that would interfere with the natural flow of the Xingu River.

He opted for a fisheries group, which argues that the Belo Monte dam would affect local fish stocks and local families who could damage fishing life.

Judge Martin's excluded the Norte Energia company behind the project of "a port to build explosives, installation of dikes, canals and other infrastructure work that would interfere with the natural flow of the Xingu River, thus the local fish stocks".

He said the construction of canals and levees would have negative effects for River communities of small-scale fishing life.

The Consortium behind the project is expected to appeal against the decision.

In June, the Brazilian environment agency supported the construction of the dismissal of concerns by environmentalists and indigenous groups, who claim that damage and tens of thousands of people replacing it the world's largest tropical rainforest.

The Agency, Ibama, said that the dam had exposed "robust analysis" of the impact on the environment.

Dam would 11,000 megawatts the third largest in the world - after the three gorges in China and Itaipu, executed jointly by Brazil and Paraguay.

Map showing Belo Monte dam proposals



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