Farmer jailed in Hong Kong for burning flag

A man has been jailed in Hong Kong for burning the national flag, in the first sentence of its kind.

S Korea suspends savings banks citing weak finances

South Korea has suspended seven local savings banks citing the weak state of their finances.

Japan urges mass evacuation ahead of Typhoon Roke

More than a million people in central and western Japan have been urged to leave their homes as a powerful typhoon approaches.

Burma begins swap scheme for cars over 40 years old

Owners of some of Burma's most antiquated cars have been queuing in Rangoon to exchange their old vehicles for permits to import newer models.

Polio strain spreads to China from Pakistan

Polio has spread to China for the first time since 1999 after being imported from Pakistan, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Japan-Turkey cooperation built NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS

Illustration Of A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. (Photo Of/REUTERS/Radovan Stoklasa)

Ankara (Reuters)-Japan and Turkey reached agreement on nuclear cooperation on Friday, confirmed that the Alliance of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan and France Areva SA will receive orders to build four nuclear reactors in Turkey.

The agreement was made at a bilateral summit meeting between Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Abkhaz Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara.

Turkey is planning to build four nuclear reactors in the Black Sea coast in 2023, as reported Jiji Press.

Japan no longer exporting nuclear reactors since the tsunami disaster which caused the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant number 1 belongs to the Tokyo Electric Power Co. 's in March 2011.

But now, the Government is eager to sell Abe reactors abroad again.

Demand for the construction of nuclear power plants is growing overseas, while the latest construction project is currently not approved in Japan that might still be in the midst of a crisis of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS in the Northeast, according to Jiji Press report.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Clash kills nine policemen in northern Iraq

Mosul, Irak (ANTARA News) - Bentrokan di Irak utara menewaskan sembilan polisi dan empat orang bersenjata pada Jumat, sementara serangan lainnya, termasuk bom mobil di dekat satu masjid Sunni, menewaskan sedikitnya enam orang tewas lebih, kata para pejabat.

AFP melaporkan mortir ditembakkan di pos-pos pemeriksaan dalam pertempuran sengit yang juga meninggalkan tujuh polisi terluka, kata polisi dan dokter.

Di Rashidiyah, utara Baghdad, bom mobil meledak saat para jamaah meninggalkan Shalat Jumat di Masjid Al-Ghufran, menewaskan sedikitnya lima orang dan melukai 30 lainnya, kata para pejabat.

Sebuah bom pinggir jalan menewaskan seorang kapten polisi di Baiji, utara ibu kota.

Di Al-Amil Baghdad selatan, sebuah "bom lengket" magnit meledak dan melukai seorang kapten polisi, sementara ledakan bom pinggir jalan melukai tiga polisi lainnya di Taji, utara ibu kota, kata berbagai sumber.

Kekerasan itu terjadi sehari setelah PBB mengatakan April adalah bulan paling mematikan bagi Irak dalam hampir lima tahun.

Gelombang kerusuhan dimulai pada 23 April ketika pasukan keamanan mengusir pengunjuk rasa Sunni anti-pemerintah di dekat kota Hawijah di Irak utara, memicu bentrokan yang menewaskan 53 orang.

Puluhan lainnya tewas dalam kerusuhan berikutnya, termasuk dalam serangan balas dendam yang menargetkan pasukan keamanan, meningkatkan kekhawatiran kembalinya konflik sektarian habis-habisan yang telah menewaskan puluhan ribu jiwa dari 2006 sampai 2008.

Sementara kekerasan telah turun dari puncaknya selama konflik sektarian pada 2006 dan 2007, serangan masih sering terjadi, dan telah menewaskan lebih dari 200 orang setiap bulan sepanjang tahun ini, demikian laporan AFP.

Penerjemah: Askan Krisna

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A message to victims Haruki Murakami Boston

AppId is over the quota
Haruki Murakami (wikipedia)

Some wounds will heal over time, but the passage of time can also cause this type of injury. You should be able to understand, accept and deal with it. You have to build a new life on top of the injuries
Tokyo (AFP)-Japan Writer Haruki Murakami had sent "personal messages" to the victims of the bombing of the Boston Marathon by stating he felt the wound as a result of the attack in his favorite running race.

"So, although from a distance, I could imagine how devastated and powerless feeling of the citizens of Boston about the disaster that befell the annual ' race ' it," Murakami is published in the New Yorker titled "Boston, than a citizen of the world who called himself a runner".

"Something that is supposed to be pure is polluted, and I--as well as a citizen of the world who call themselves sprinters--were hurt."

Murakami said had lived in suburban Boston for three years, including two years as guest students at Tufts University and a year at Harvard as well as follow the Boston Marathon six times.

"I've participated in marathons around the world, but each was asked where the most I liked, I never hesitate to answer: the Boston Marathon," he writes in the language of Japan have been translated, as reported to AFP.

Murakami compares the recovery process of scars caused by the attack with the pass through of climbing the Hill at the end of the marathon in the race.

"The real Pain felt when successfully conquered Heartbreak Hill ' and ' ran down, then reaching a flat ... city street," he said.

"Emotional scars may be the same. The real cuts will occur after the pass, after we overcome the shock and everything started well established. "

"Just as when climbing slopes and appears to the base we would feel just how miserable we are that long. Boston bomb might leave the inner wounds for a long period of time, "said Murakami in his writing in the New Yorker.

Two brothers from the ethnic Chechen, Tamerlan Tsarnaev (26), who then was killed by police gunfire and his brother Dzhokhar (19), accused of blasting which led to three people dead and 260 injured victims at a prestigious sporting events.

Murakami recalled when he was an interview families of the victims died and penyintas nerve gas attack against subway riders in Tokyo in 1995.

Translator: Maria D. Andriana

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Egypt protests Moursi means occupy Department PM

Cairo (Reuters)-Egypt, presidential Institution Friday (3/5), denied a rumor circulating that President Mohamed Moursi meant to occupy the post of Prime Minister in the next cabinet reshuffle, Egypt's official news agency reports, MENA.

"There was a discussion about charging the position to other people," said Presidential Spokesman Omar Amer Egypt as cited MENA.

"Qualifying will be a basic criterion for the upcoming cabinet reshuffle," said Amer.

The current Prime Minister Hesham Qandil have faced widespread condemnation from the opposition with respect to the "poor performance" of his Government and sacking him have become the major demands of the opposition, reports Xinhua.

At the end of April, Moursi Announces cabinet reshuffle will happen and say they are highly qualified will be the responsibility and has no achievements to be replaced.

According to political commentators, most members of the reshuffle that is expected to include six Ministers apparently will not satisfy the country's opposition, who are demanding changes to the Government and the dismissal of a total of Qandil.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Venezuela's opposition is final voting results

Venezuela opposition leader Henrique Capriles. (REUTERS/Tomas Bravo)

Caracas (Reuters)-Venezuela's opposition sues President election results last month, which was won by the successor of the late Hugo Chavez, and the more trouble the already messy transition to continue without a divisive leader.

Middle right-wing opposition in the oil-rich South American country that officially filed a lawsuit to the Supreme Court, although they said if the Court loaded with justices of the pro-Chavez will certainly reject the suit.

The opposition coalition official Ramon Jose Medina said the lawsuit lists "of bribery, violence and fraud" during the electoral process that ends with the triumphant successor to Chavez, Nicolas Maduro over his rival Henrique Capriles.

This step is in fact the necessary formalities before the opposition brought the case to the Court of Inter-America for human rights of the Organization of American States.

Maduro, a former bus driver, won the general elections on April 14 with a thin margin, only about 1.5 percent, according to the National Electoral Council.

But Capriles, who also lost to Chavez by 11 points in the general election held in last October, had mentioned some irregularities and saying the Government cheated in elections that accelerated after Chavez hard leaders have ruled since 1998--died of cancer in March.

Audits launched by the National Electoral Council on Monday called a banal and "farce" because it only checks the electronic voting system itself and not a physical record of elections held April, Capriles said Wednesday.

While Capriles said in a press conference on Thursday if he would not rule out chances of a referendum to attract opponents of the pro-Chavez, who was elected to the National Assembly.

"It is clear that the National Assembly did not represent the political realities of this country," Capriles said in a television broadcast cut to allow time for speech Maduro.

Urgent Venezuela referendum on the Constitution can be made if requested by the Member who has completed at least half of their mandate and 20 percent member support.

Tensions have been high since the general election held to replace the bombastic leader, Chavez.

He is using Venezuela's oil wealth to fund programs for the poor, which creates a mengkultuskannya groups, but despised by the rich Venezuela group that says it is making an economy laden inflation and increase of violent crime on the streets.

In protests after elections last month, at least nine people were killed and dozens were injured.

Opposition and pro-Government lawmakers of baku at the spectacular fights in Congress on Tuesday. And both sides are competing May Day marches staged action on Wednesday, with Maduro called Capriles figure "Crybabies" who can't accept defeat, as AFP. (G003/H-AK)

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President Obama not to send u.s. troops to the foretold Syria

San Jose, Costa Rica (Reuters)-the United States President Barack Obama Friday said he did not foresee a scenario in which he would send U.S. Army to Syria.

At a press conference in the capital of Costa Rica, Obama also vowed that the United States will take a cautious approach to respond to the alleged use of chemical weapons, Syria, Reuters reported.

He said it would not "jump before we see."

The US President on Tuesday warned it was not in a hurry to decide stance regarding chemical weapons in Syria, but said if there is evidence they use it, it will be the trigger for a "consideration" to question keengganannya take military.

Setekah appears the various criticisms, stating he let Syria step over the "boundary line" United States, Obama said Washington believes there is the use of chemical weapons during the civil war in the country, although it has not been able to ascertain which side fired them.

At a news conference at the White House, Obama also offered a number of criteria that the steps taken by the US military intervention is evidence that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad directly ordered the use of chemical weapons. (AK)

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11 people died in bomb attacks in iraq

Baghdad (News and Us)-Three bomb attacks in Iraq on Wednesday, killing 11 people, including four members of the militia opponents of Al Qaeda who was killed in a suicide bombing when they gather to wait for payment of salaries, officials said.

The attacker detonated her explosives at the foot of a police station in Fallujah, West of Baghdad, when militia members That gathered near the Office, said Police Lt. Col. Khaled Yassir al-Jumaili.

The explosion that killed five people, including a senior police officer and four members of That, as well as the wounding of 15 others.

Near Ramadi, like Fallujah, the restive Anbar province, a car bomb explosion killed three policemen, including an officer, said Police Captain Marwan al-Dulaimi and a doctor.

In Baghdad, a car bomb explosion also in the Al-Husseiniyah area killing three people and injuring 10 others, officials said.

The attacks Wednesday came after a wave of violence killed more than 240 people in seven days at the end of April, which raises concerns about the return of sectarian violence that killed tens of thousands of people.

Violence is the last of a wave of bombings and suicide attacks in the middle of a political crisis between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his Government partners and protest marches over the past few weeks demanding his resignation.

More than 450 people were killed in violence in April, according to an AFP count based on information from security officials and a medic, while the number of deaths in March reached 271.

Throughout February, 220 people were killed in violence in Iraq, according to an AFP based on information from security sources and medical.

Iraq is engulfed in political chaos and violence that killed thousands of people since u.s. forces completed a withdrawal from the country on 18 December 2011, leaving security responsibilities to Iraq troops.

In addition to having problems with the Kurds, Iraq's Government is also at odds with Sunni groups.

Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (Shiite) since 2010 seeking the arrest of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on charges of terrorism and attempting to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-absolute. Both are Sunni leaders.

Iraq officials issued an arrest warrant for Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on December 19, 2011 after they gain recognition that link with terrorist activities.

Dozens of guards of Hashemi, a Sunni Arab leader, was arrested a few weeks after the announcement, but it was not clear how many people were now on hold.

Hashemi, who denied the allegations, was hiding in the Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq, and Kurdish leaders refused to pass them to Baghdad.

The Kurdish government even allowed the regional visit to Hashemi did Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. (M014)

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A man died after a melee antiMuslim in Myanmar

Oakkan, Myanmar (News and Us)-violence related religions in Myanmar claimed the middle one people, officials said Wednesday while the action of anti-Muslim approach to Yangon, the country's commercial city.

A Muslim were among those arrested after the authorities said he crashed into a young monk in the street on Tuesday, which sparked riots in the small town of Oakkan, about 100 kilometers north of Yangon, reports AFP.

Myanmar experienced a wave of violent tension on last March. It was the monks and Buddhists attacked the Muslim areas in the violence, which spread to the major cities of the country.

As many as two mosques and over 80 houses in the four villages around Oakkan damaged or destroyed in the most recent attacks, according to a government official who ask where is not mentioned.

"A 29-year-old man died of his injuries and nine others were also injured in the violence yesterday," he told AFP, adding the situation has been restored.

He said the 18 people detained over their involvement in the violence and Win Win Sein, the woman who hit the monk were also secured though the source did not give a reason for his arrest.

The villagers who feel fear from two groups that trust says police are not there to protect them when a crowd attacked a local mosque on Tuesday night in the village of Noodle pieces of Laung S.a.khan, near Oakkan.

"About 200 to 300 people arrived in our village with the motorcycle and destroying it. All the residents fled. Our fears and not against. They destroyed until satisfied, "said Soe Myint, 48 years old, a Muslim told AFP.

The mosque was severely damaged and about 10 houses were burned, according to an AFP reporter on the scene.

"Even we were threatened to be killed. We also fear. We need security immediately, "said Than Soe, Buddhists, told AFP.

The presence of security forces with full gear looked on Wednesday morning at Oakkan where as many as 30 stores in the market were destroyed and a mosque was damaged again. (M016)

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AS kutuk bentrokan di parlemen Venezuela

Washington (News and Us)-the U.s. Government, Wednesday (1/5), condemned the physical clash which took place on Tuesday (7/4) in the Parliament of Venezuela, and described the unrest as "completely inappropriate".

"Let me say clearly, violence has no place in the system of democratic representation, and especially should not be in the National Assembly," said a spokesman for the U.s. State Department Patrick Ventrell taklimat in one.

"We are very concerned by the unrest that occurred," said Ventrell, which urged all parties in Venezuela to refrain from violent action.

Physical clashes took place in the Parliament of Venezuela on Tuesday. A number of members of the Legislative Council, amid rising tensions about the outcome of the presidential election--the dispute. Members of opposition parties and the ruling at each other during the fight; each side accused the opponents start a riot.

Venezuela's National Elections Council (CNE) on April 15, officially announced Nicolas Maduro as President is elected for a term of 2013-2019, after confirming his victory in a presidential election that was held the day before. CNE rejected the cheating statement of Henriqu Capriles, the presidential candidate of the opposition coalition. Maduro took oath as the new President of Venezuela on April 19.

Washington, which has never publicly acknowledged Maduro as President of Venezuela, has prompted a new tally of your ballots.

CNE on Tuesday (29/4) started counting some ballots in the presidential election.

"To gather a greater confidence about the results of the vote count, we think is good for all the people of Venezuela and Venezuela made for doing that and checking irregularities," said Ventrell in taklimat on Wednesday (1/5), as cited by Xinhua, Thursday morning. It refers to the process of calculating a restart is in progress.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Diplomat: Brahimi will retreat as peace envoy to Syria

Dia ingin mengundurkan diri karena dia merasa Liga Arab telah berjalan sendiri yang berbeda dari PBB."
PBB (News and Us) - Utusan perdamaian Suriah Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa-Liga Arab Lakhdar Brahimi berada di ambang pengunduran diri karena frustrasi atas usaha-usaha internasional yang buntu untuk mengakhiri konflik yang memburuk itu, kata sejumlah diplomat Rabu.

Brahimi, yang menggantikan peran mantan pemimpin PBB Kofi Annan pada Agustus tahun lalu, sudah "tak tahan dan berniat mundur tetapi dibujuk untuk bertahan untuk selama beberapa hari lagi," kata satu diplomat Dewan Keamanan PBB, lapor AFP.

"Dia menyampaikan keinginannya kepada tiap orang bahwa dia ingin mundur karena sedikit harapan kalau dia akan tetap pada perannya," kata seorang diplomat Arab di PBB kepada AFP.

Seperti Annan, Brahimi frustrasi oleh perbedaan internasional atas masalah Suriah. Rusia mendukung Presiden Bashar al-Assad sementara negara-negara Barat dan Teluk memberikan peningkatan dukungan kepada oposisi Suriah.

Perang saudara di negara itu telah merenggut lebih 70.000 jiwa sejak pergolakan menentang Bashar meletus pada Maret 2011 dan kedua pihak telah makin kukuh pada pendirian masing-masing.

Brahimi, 79 tahun, telah dikritik oleh oposisi Suriah dan pemerintahan Bashar mengatakan pekan lalu pihaknya tak akan lagi bekerja sama dengan dia.

Tapi keputusan Liga Arab untuk mengakui Koalisi Nasional Suriah yang beroposisi sebagai pemerintah sah Suriah merupakan keputusasaan terakhir bagi Brahimi, kata beberapa diplomat.

"Dia ingin mengundurkan diri karena dia merasa Liga Arab telah berjalan sendiri yang berbeda dari PBB," kata diplomat DK PBB itu.

Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Ban Ki-moon dan mitranya dari Liga Arab Nabil al-Arabi mengadakan pembicaraan baru tentang konflik Suriah pada Selasa, kata beberapa pejabat.

Brahimi, mantan menteri luar negeri Aljazair dan utusan PBB di Afghanistan dan Irak, mengakui ketika dia mengambil peran itu bahwa dia menghadapi pertempuran berat.

Rusia dan China memveto tiga resolusi dewan itu yang berupaya menekan Bashar. Negara-negara Arab, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Prancis malah meningkatkan bantuan bagi kelompok-kelompok oposisi dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.

Ban, al-Arabi dan semua lima anggota DK PBB -- Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Prancis, China dan Rusia -- menginginkan Brahimi tetap pada posisinya, kata beberapa diplomat.

Utusan itu pada Senin di Washington bertemu dengan Menteri mLuar Negeri AS John Kerry, yang berusaha meyakinkan dia jangan mundur, kata diplomat-diplomat. Tapi tak jelas apakah Kerry membuat janji mengenai usaha-usaha politik baru untuk mengakhiri konflik itu. (M016)

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New laws discourage citizens of "enemy of the State" demanding Israel

AppId is over the quota AppId is over the quota
seorang musuh negara tak pernah memiliki hak untuk tampil di pengadilan Israel.
Jerusalem (News and Us) - Anggota Knesset (Parlemen) Israel memberi suara yang mendukung rancangan peraturan yang akan melarang warga dari "negara musuh" menuntut negeri tersebut, demikian laporan Jerusalem Post, Rabu.

Peraturan tersebut diberi nama "Dirani Bill", yang merujuk kepada gerilyawan Lebanon Mustafa Dirani --yang saat ini menuntut ganti rugi dari Israel.

Dirani, mantan anggota milisi Syiah di Lebanon, diculik oleh personel pasukan komando Israel pada 1994, sewaktu ia diduga mengetahui nasib pilot Angkatan Udara Israel Ron Arad --yang ditangkap oleh anggota milisi Dirani satu dasawarsa sebelumnya.

Ia ditahan di kamar tahanan terpencil sebagai kartu-tawar buat warganegara Israel itu. Namun ia disiksa oleh para penangkapnya dan bersaksi di satu pengadilan Israel atas penyiksaan tersebut.

Dirani dibebaskan dari penjara pada 2004, sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan pertukaran tahanan. Pada 2000, ia menuntut negara Israel sebesar enam juta shekel (1,67 juta dolar AS) dalam satu gugatan yang diajukan ke Pengadilan Wilayah Tel Aviv.

Peraturan baru tersebut, yang mulanya diusulkan oleh anggota parlemen "hawkish" Ayelet Shaked --dari Partai Jewish Home-- dan David Rotem dari Partai Yisrael Beytenu, disahkan dengan 55 anggota parlemen mendukung dan 23 menentang, demikian laporan Xinhua.

Menurut rancangan peraturan itu, peraturan tersebut mengikuti langkah negara lain Barat.

"Berdasarkan prinsip yang diterima ini, seorang musuh negara tak pernah memiliki hak untuk tampil di pengadilan Israel," demikian antara lain isi rancangan peraturan itu.

"Selama ada keadaan perang antara Israel dan negara lain, seorang warga dari negara itu yang terlibat dalam kegiatan teror tak bisa menuntut Israel," katanya.

Sebaliknya, anggota kelompok sayap-kiri di Knesset Tamar Zandberg --dari Partai Meretz-- yang menentang rancangan tersebut, mengatakan warga dari negara musuh yang disiksa di Israel masih memiliki hak, tak peduli apa kondisi diplomatik dengan negara yang bersangkutan.


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Pope Francis I protest ' slavery ' in Bangladesh

That's the loudest statements about the employment conditions of Fransikus I in Bangladesh since he was selected on 13 March. Social justice, for him, it is very important to always noteworthy in all circumstances; especially in his position as the Shepherd of the people, the Holy Father of the Catholic Church.  "Living with just 50 dollars a month-United States-the wages of the workers who died, could be called as a slave," said Francis I, in a sermon at the mass in private morning at his residence, Vatican Radio reported.
The number of casualties due to building work--in the commercial area of Plasa Shutter Dhaka does not have permission,--collapsed last week, has risen to 411 people on Wednesday and about 40 unidentified victims had been buried.

Francis I gave his sermon on the International Labor Day (May Day) and says "do not provide decent wages as the cost of the company, because only the pursuit of profit is the same as opposing God." It is a sin to God the Lord.

Francis I posited, there are still many people in this world who live in conditions as slaves.

"Today in the world there is still slavery committed against God's most beautiful gift to humans: the ability to work, work and determine her dignity," said Francis I.

"How many of our brothers and sisters who live in a State like this because economic, social policy and politics?"

In his native country, Argentina, Francis I often defend the poor, oppressed and unemployment, at odds with the opinion of the Government's economic policies and defend the dignity and the dignity of the weakest members of society.

"Dignity is not the blessing of power, by money, and by culture. Instead! The dignity of work, the system is determined by the social, political and economy selected to take advantage of people, "he said.

Duty free access offered by Western countries and low wages have changed the export garment industry which results in Bangladesh as 19 million United States dollars a year. 60 percent of her clothes were shipped to Europe, where the tragedy raised questions about the price paid by life to get a cheap dress.

In the meeting with the faithful in St Peter's square after he argued about the rights of workers but does not increase Bangladesh's disaster.

"Work is the basis for the dignity of the person. I think of how many people into unemployment, not just young people who are unemployed as a result of the economic concept of pure money by greedy beyond the parameters of social justice, "he said in front of thousands of people.

In kotbahnya it was Francis I expect all State Governments in tackling the high unemployment level and strip off the system of slavery including human smuggling.

International Labour Organization estimates nearly 21 million people in the world who are victims of slavery or forced labour.

Nearly half that number also become victims of human smuggling, crossing the border between the countries, or in the country itself.

In Italy and a number of Western European countries, many young women from Africa and Eastern Europe are victims of smuggling of human beings and forced prostitution in the foray into big cities.


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President Evo Morales of Bolivia USAID representative to Malaysia?

The President Of Bolivia Evo Morales (News and Us)

There is no mention of USAID, who manipulate and take advantage of our leaders. "
La Paz (News and Us)-President Evo Morales on Wednesday announced the expulsion of the representatives of the United States Development Agency (USAID) of Bolivia, as well as the institutions alleges that interfere with the domestic affairs of the country.

In a speech before the workmen firmly the hold May Day rallies, President of the populist left of South America's poorest country said USAID was in Bolivia for political purposes, not social.

He did not explain specifically how US agencies that intervene in Bolivia.

USAID has operated in the country since 1964.

Morales, who ruled since 2006, has been previously expelled the u.s. Ambassador and a representative of the Office of the U.S. Drug Eradication in 2008 for the same reason.

Bolivia's own State is known as a producer of coca leaf, which is the raw material of cocaine.

"There is no longer a USAID, manipulate and take advantage of our leaders," Morales said in a speech delivered at the Plaza de Armas, La Paz.

Morales said Bolivia was offended with the latest statement of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that Latin America is called the "backyard" of the United States.

United States, he said, perhaps thinking that they can manipulate the politically and economically but it is past.

In Bolivia, the USAID help Bolivia in fixing the health care system as well as run a number of sustainable environment and development programs.

According to USAID, page stated that their main objective in that country is to increase agricultural productivity and food security, Bolivia as well as expand access to social services and increase competition among small and medium-sized companies.

In a speech Wednesday, Morales also announced a number of new rules that are designed to benefit the workers as well as remind the Government nationalised seven years in hydrocarbon sector, committed against dozens of oil companies in the country. (P012/M016)

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Rusia spent 31 billion dolar for atom energy

Nuclear Security and nuclear power production safety should be improved with the help of new technology solutions
Moscow (News and Us)-Russia will spend one trillion rubles (about 31 billion u.s. dollars) until 2015 for the development of the nuclear power industry, said Mikhail Ulyanov, Director of security and Disarmament Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russia Wednesday.

So he pointed out in a comment on the discussion on nuclear non-proliferation Treaty held in Geneva in April.

Russia has started to design reactors that generate electricity and, in addition, disalinasi water, which means that "they can be instruments of development for many countries."

"Nuclear Security and nuclear power production safety should be improved with the help of new technology solutions," said Ulyanov Itar-Tass was quoted as saying.

"In this connection, we feel it is important to take advantage of the system is active and passive safety in the design of NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Projects of this kind already exists, "he added.

He underscored the important picture of nuclear power generation, by saying that they included double reactor containment, passive heat dissipation system, and a special cooling unit.

(1 u.s. dollar = 31.9 Rubles)

Translator: Askan Krisna

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The three allegedly plotted with bomber boston marathon

Two suspected bomb Boston Marathon, Tamerlan Tsarnaev (left), and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (News and Us/The Sun of Lowell, MA)

Boston, Massachusetts (News and Us)-Three 19-year-old student--two Kazakhstan citizens and an American--were charged Wednesday local time covering up the alleged perpetrators of the bombing in the Boston Marathon, as the Justice Department was quoted as saying the AFP.Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov accused of plotting devastating a laptop and my backpack contains the Fireworks belong to the perpetrator of the bombing suspects in Boston.Robel Phillipos, a U.S. citizen, is accused of making false statements to law enforcement authorities.Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov, the Kazakh citizens in the u.s. using student visas, were threatened with a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of 250,000 u.s. dollars.  Sedagkan Phillipos threatened punishment and a fine of 250,000 u.s. dollars.The Boston Police has recently been announced that a third person was arrested with regard to the bombing in the Boston Marathon.   Editor: Jafar M Prints


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Friday, May 3, 2013

Strong earthquake again the City Walk, Iran

Last month, the houses were destroyed after a strong earthquake rocked the city of Bushehr, Iran. (News and Us)

Tehran (News and Us)-a strong earthquake rocked the city again in the southern province of Bushehr, Iran on Wednesday night.

According to IRNA, the State Seismografi Center, which is affiliated with the Institute of Geophysics University of Tehran noted the quake occurred at 23: local time Wednesday night (11 PM EST).

The strength of the earthquake Away Wednesday night five on the Richter scale, with 28, 29 degrees north latitude and longitude degree 51,73, at a depth of eight kilometers from the Earth's surface.

There is still no report on possible casualties and material due to a strong earthquake this until now.

Iran is the one country that has the world's most active seismic, crossed by several major fault lines that cover at least 90 percent of the country. As a result, earthquakes are frequent in Iran and often destructive.

Since 1900, at least had 126.000 death caused by the earthquake in Iran.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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The coast guard rescue of refugees Syria Italy

quota Rome (News and Us)-Italy's coast guard rescued dozens of refugees Wednesday, Syria including a boy who appeared to be wounded in the war, in a group of 70 migrants were found on a fishing boat broke down off the coast of the southern tip of Italy.

The boy, who was traveling with her mother, has a scar on his neck, said ANSA news agency report, quoting officials in the region of Calabria.

The report did not say where the ship was set off.

Most of the people on board the float that is a citizen of Syria, but there are also coming from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea and Pakistan.

They were taken to a temporary shelter in the town of Roccella Jonica.

Thousands of migrants are not refugees and berdokumen landed on the beaches of Italy every year, often crossing the Mediterranean fishing vessel brittle from North Africa or Turkey, reports AFP.

Translator: Askan Krisna

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Two teenagers were killed by a roadside bomb blast in Dagestan

Moscow (News and Us)-two teenagers were killed by the explosion of an object that is placed on the edge of the city of Dagestan, Russia, on Wednesday, police sources said.

The explosion occurred midday in a busy shopping area in the city of Dagestan, Makhachkala, said a spokesman for the local Interior Ministry, reports AFP.

"Two people, a young child, have been killed and two other people were taken to hospital," the source told AFP.

One agency source quoted the police of Russia says the victim was 15-16 years. Police described the victims opened the box located on the sidewalk, and instantly make it the active source of blast containing two kilograms of TNT.

Television showed video footage of the glasses in the street scene that broke out and the area was filled with police cars and also deployed bloodhounds.

Dagestan is now the region's most unstable as a result of the conflict that engulfed the North Caucasus because of the swarm of rebels who attacked the local government and police.

The region with the rebellion that happened a couple of late has been the world's spotlight in the aftermath of a bomb in the race run a marathon in Boston where should suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev visited Dagestan last year, and both parents are still living in these places. (I029/M016)

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U.S. efforts Georgia so members of NATO, EU

Minister Of Foreign Affairs AS John Kerry (News and Us/Paul J. Richards/Pool)

Washington (News and Us)-the United States Wednesday expressed supported democratic reform efforts and the State of Georgia became a member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union.

Secretary of State John Kerry delivered the support it on a jump press Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili, who is visiting the u.s., reports AFP.

"We strongly support aspirations of Georgia regarding NATO and Europe. And we commend the ongoing democratic transition, "said Kerry.

Saakashvili thanked Kerry, who served as senator for 30 years before serving as a Minister for the u.s., for being "the first person to come help us" when Russia and Georgia are engaged in a brief war in 2008.

"We want American support for NATO, we would like to support Us for the further integration of Europe at a very difficult stage for democracy and the viability of Georgia," said the President.

He pointed to the tension between himself and Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, a ruling coalition after milyarder oposisinya defeated the ruling party of Saakashvili in the parliamentary elections in October last year, ending a nine-year dominance of the Party President.

Saakashvili, whose term in Office ends in October, and his party accused the Government of destroying the reform of demokratisnya and keep Georgia from the pro-Western path when the ex-Soviet Republic's attempts to join NATO and the EU.

Ivanishvili denied the allegations.

On 10 April, Ivanishvili said, Georgia will investigate again the defeat a war with Russia in 2008 to find out if President Mikheil Saakashvili include people who need to blame.

In the outcry against his rival tersengitnya, accused the President of Ivanishvili handle preparations leading up to the war.

"I also thought our Government led President acting as inadequate in that situation," said Ivanishvili at a news conference.

"I consider unjustified at all army units was alerted and began military action done before the Russia we crossed the border," he said.

An independent report which formed the European Union in 2009 blamed Georgia for starting the war with Russia but said Moscow's military response, beyond the limits of reasoned and violate international law.

The report called on both sides in violation of international humanitarian law and found evidence of ethnic cleansing against the citizens of Georgia in the breakaway province of South Ossetia.

Saakashvili said Georgia responded to the invasion by Russia troops when they invaded the territory of South Ossetia. More than 100,000 civilians on both sides fled at the height of the conflict, and some of them can not go back.

Russia's troops entered Georgia to break Georgia's military efforts to master the longer South Ossetia on 7-8 August 2008. The five-day war that erupted in August, when Tbilisi sought to restore her to the military forces in the region of South Ossetia, which broke away from Georgia in 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Georgia and Russia remain at odds after a brief war between them in 2008.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia broke away from Georgia in the early 1990s, the separatist regions. second depends almost completely on Russia for financial assistance, military and diplomatic. (M014)

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Afghanistanian are killed in bomb attack

Kandahar, Afghanistan (News and Us)-a roadside bomb Blast that was installed the Taliban killed a senior member of the Peace Council, Afghanistan, Wednesday, officials said.

Shah Wali Khan, Chairman of the Peace Council (HPC) in the province of Helmand, the southern region, was killed along with two police bodyguards when the explosion hit the vehicle, reports AFP.

HPC is a government agency formed in 2010 to open negotiations with the Taliban, but the guerrilla group refused to negotiate with the envoys of President Hamid Karzai'S U.S.-backed.

Helmand provincial government said in a statement, Khan was traveling in the Gereshk area as part of the handover of security responsibility from the NATO-led troops to Afghanistan security forces.

The Taliban "to take advantage of opportunities to benefit our official envoys had done it" and detonated a bomb assembled under the vehicle, the statement said.

In the past the Taliban attacked the leaders of the HPC. In 2011, a suicide bomb attack killed the Council Chairman, Burhanuddin Rabbani.

Upcoming peace talks faced many obstacles, including chaos about who will represent the Taliban and Karzai's demands that his envoy should be a core part of the negotiations.

Search for a political solution is the priority when violence flared up in the South and East and combat international troops prepare withdraw from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and his Western nations have agreed that all foreign combat forces will return to their country by the end of 2014, but the West pledged to support continued after this time in the form of funds and training for Afghanistan's security forces.

NATO aims to train soldiers and police by the end of Afghanistan by the end of 2014 to ensure stability in the country, but challenges still ahead of us in the process of transition.

Desertion, poor assignments and low morale among major problems that complicate the commanders of NATO and Afghanistan.

In October 2011, the Taliban promised to fight until all foreign forces leave Afghanistan.

The Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan from 1996, waged a rebellion since ousted from power in the country by U.S.-led invasion in 2001 because of the Al Qaida leader refused to hand over Osama bin Laden, who is accused of responsibility for the attack in the United States which killed around 3,000 people on September 11, 2001.

About 130,000 members of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) led by NATO that come from dozens of countries sent to Afghanistan to help the Kabul Government battle the insurgency of the Taliban and its allies.

Taliban guerrillas rely heavily on the use of roadside bombs and suicide attacks against Afghanistan's Government and foreign troops stationed in the country.

Bomb assemblies known as IED (improvised explosives) resulted in 70-80 percent of the casualties to foreign troops in Afghanistan, according to the military. (M014)

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Parliament in Venezuela get fight

Caracas (News and Us)-Buffalo jotos occurs in the Parliament of Venezuela, Tuesday, causing a number of members of the legislature were injured and bloodied in a session discussing the disputed election in the country of Latin America.

The opposition says seven members of Parliament attacked and injured when they marched in a move that raised their speaking rights to block in the National Assembly regarding the refusal to recognize the victory of President Nicolas Maduro last April 14 elections.

Maduro, who is the leader of the Socialist former President Hugo Chavez's choice, beating opposition candidate Henrique Capriles with thin voices.

Capriles refused to concede victory, while accusing thousands of anomalies that occur as well as some indication of "theft" of the vote.

"They can beat us, imprison us, but we will not sell our self-esteem," said one opposition lawmaker Julio Borges, when talking to local television with his face battered.

"We received a blow will make us stronger," he said.

Barbaric action that occurs when the party-controlled National Assembly passed a Government proposal to cancel the right of opposition groups to talk in the legislature before they acknowledged Maduro as the leader of the Government.

"Before they recognized authority, the highest institution of the Republic of Venezuela, the will of the sovereign of the people, a representative of the opposition will only speak through the line, not in the National Assembly," said parliamentary speaker, Diosdado Cabello.

Reuters preach both the recriminations associated who initiates the incident-hit until that happens in a closed meeting.

Venezuela's National Electoral Commission (CNE) on Friday (29/4) has reportedly started a partial recount disputed votes in the presidential election.

Maduro was declared the winner in the general election with a total of 7.757.704 votes, while opposition candidates won 7.302.648 votes Hanrique Capriles, the difference 273.056 votes--or about 1,82 per cent only.


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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Attackers shoot dead police Russia

Moscow (News and Us)-three policemen were killed and two more injured after armed groups opened fire on their car in the Dagestan region of Russia, investigators said on Wednesday.

A police major and two of its members were killed on Tuesday evening when through the city Buinaksk, about 30 kilometers from the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Russia North Caucasus.

An unidentified group opened fire automatic weapons into two police cars, which through the city, said a statement on the page Committee Investigators.

"Two police officers were taken to hospital due to injuries they experienced," said the statement quoted AFP.

Dagestan, a region most of which consists of various ethnic groups in the mountainous North Caucasus, southern Russia into the most unstable areas in recent years, the guerrillas launched an offensive against local officials whose pro-Kremlin virtually every day, AFP reported.

(SYS/H – RN/B002)

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Israel reserves soldier prepared to confront Hezbollah

Jeursalem (News and Us)-Israel has deployed 2,000 Military personnel up to the North to undergo training to face a sudden war might have been against Shiite Lebanese militia, Hezbollah, The Jerusalem Post reports on Tuesday (1/4).

"The reality is forcing us to prepare this ability. The screenplay includes Lebanese, but it could also Syria, "one source told The Jerusalem Post.

He added that the sudden training is part of the military's efforts to maintain high standby in front of the North.

The training was conducted in the middle of escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah as well as rumors that army of Syria "has used chemical weapons against petempur opposition".

According to a report of The Jerusalem Post, Israel's military northern command began to call the army without notice first on Sunday night (9/4), reports Xinhua.

Israel's northern command also sent them to places that are not mentioned for training for four days in order to test their ability to rapidly against Hezbollah in combat operations.

The brigade-level training is the biggest ever undertaken in recent years and involve the infantry maneuver by using Active bullets, the report said.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Light aircraft accident, six people were killed in Mexico

Mexico City (News and Us)-six people were killed on Tuesday (7/4), when a light aircraft belonging to the Office of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) of Mexico crashed in the State of Zacatecas in Central Mexico-North, said the State Attorney General Arturo Nahle.

The plane carrying several people working for PGR and the Federal Police when it crashed, said Nahle to one local television station, according to a report by Xinhua, Wednesday morning.

The plane exploded and caught fire when it crashed in the small town of La Noria, about 10 kilometers from the State capital, also named Zacatecas, shortly after take-off from Victor Rosales air terminal at the airport.

Just a few days earlier, the Attorney General of Mexico Murillo Karam fly to Zacatecas with the same plane ride.

The Government still has to ensure the penyabab of the crash, but the fire had made the plane so the ash, they said.

Translator: Chaidar Abdullah

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Obama intimated take decisive steps about Syria

Washington (News and Us)-President Barack Obama on Tuesday warned not to hastily decide stance regarding chemical weapons in Syria, but said if there is evidence they use it, it will be the trigger for a "consideration" to question keengganannya take military.

Following the criticism, stating he let Syria step over the "boundary line" United States, Obama said Washington believes there is the use of chemical weapons during the civil war in the country, although it has not been able to ascertain who fired them.

At a news conference at the White House, AFP reported, Obama also offered a number of criteria that the steps taken by the US military intervention is evidence that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad directly ordered the use of chemical weapons.

Meanwhile, with regard to action of the hunger strike by the prisoners in the prison of Guantanamo Bay, Obama promised to fight to close a place he described as a prison of war-on-terrorism "unsustainable" and blamed Congress for worsening the situation.

He also praised the steps Russia's assistance in the investigation into the bombing incident at the Boston marathon on 15 April, times two suspects of Chechnya, but said there was "a tough old habits changed" between the security officer of the US and Russia.

Obama met the media in the midst of increased political pressure following the reports of intelligence related to the use of sarin gas by Syria's military forces against their enemies, despite earlier warnings that the use of chemical weapons will be "modifier map game".

"I have to make sure it has the right to get the facts. It is expected the American public, "he said.

"When I met with the fact that not only the UNITED STATES but the entire international community has believed that there is the use of chemical weapons by the regime of (President Bashar al-) Assad, then that changes everything," he recalls.

"It changes everything, in the sense that we may have to review again what options are available and we could travel," he said.

"There are a number of options which allow current to me, available at the ' shelves ' at this time but haven't we put out, and it is a series of options," said Obama, while saying he had asked the Pentagon's plan, with no further leaking.

A number of options including the Pentagon, proffered a dangerous operation to secure the supply of chemical weapons to ensure these items do not fall into the hands of radical groups or destruction of such weapons ensures immediate directly, using either the attacker or the air force team.

Obama's political opponents also called for it immediately sent u.s. military troops to help the rebel opposition groups, a move that has so far refused to take, or fly zones or set the security to protect hundreds of thousands of refugees.

A few hours later after Obama's press conference, "The Washington Post" quoted a senior official statements from unnamed said that President Obama was ready to send "the supply of weapons" to Syria rebel opposition groups.

However, a number of other officials say administrative parties only consider sending military equipment such as protective goggles, vehicles and clothes, but not with the war including weapons.

Meanwhile, National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said, "we continue to weigh every option, which will be able to bring our goals to support the political transition."

However, he also stated there would be no announcement that will be submitted in the near future.

One of the initial steps were taken immediately after President Obama's request to close Guantanamo Bay prison. But four years later, the prison remains in operation and become dust us face the world expunge an unlimited and now repeatedly hit by acts of a hunger strike by some prisoners who undergo suffering.

"I'll be back to fight for it," Obama said while warning that the situation in the camps was "not sustainable" and blamed the Congress that has Scotch closure efforts.

"It costs dearly. Inefficient. Gnaw US in the Association. Reduce cooperation with several countries in counterterrorism efforts. Even become a recruiting tool the extremists. "

"This continued ... the problem will not be improved. Will only worsen. And will rot, "Obama said, while adding that the hunger strike action should be aware of the people and the u.s. Government think how punishing the better, limiting and return prisoners no longer considered dangerous.


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